You are Amazing


You are amazing. You can run a household on a tight budget yet making sure that everyone looks great and is well fed. Always looking for bargains.





You teach the young to respect others. To be honest, caring and giving. You teach them right from wrong through encouragement and praise.





You are amazing. You are as soft as a petal but as strong as steel. You have a heart of gold; the mind of an executive yet filled with tenderness and grace.







You cry when your kids are hurt. Your faith and prayers help heal the pain.




You are amazing. You work all day, yet ready to drop everything to help a friend in need. Always ready to give encouragement and praise.




You cook, clean and do laundry. You help with homework. Whether its baseball, wrestling or basketball; you're the best cheerleader your kids will ever have.





You are amazing. Your beauty comes from deep within. Your eyes are filled with love. Your smile gives joy to all.




You give so much and ask so little in return.






You are truly amazing. You are a woman of strength and dignity, and has no fear of old age. When you speak your words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything you say.

Poverbs 31: 25

You are truly amazing!




Pass this on to all the amazing women that you know.






Midi playing "How Beautiful"




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