Title: Naze...? Why kiss my hand when I have lips? Characters: Yui and Suboshi, from Fushigi Yuugi Medium: .5 MM Mechanical Pencil, Photoshop 5.0 Comments: Yes, another image of Yui, this time with Suboshi. I hadn't drawn Yui in so long, and on day in January I drew this while stalling on my reading for Calc class. I'd wanted to try experimenting more on my manga-ish coloring style, I suppose. When I had started coloring it, I'd discovered Wing's art, and tried to add a little of her technique, which I think worked well. Originally I wanted it acurate to the scene where Yui was preparing at the Byakko shrine to summon Seriyuu, but after realizing that Suboshi's orange robe shouldn't have been there I said screw it, and had added the Seriyuu statue in the background anyway. When I colored this I also really wanted to do Yui's hair in blue, again. I seem to be doing that a lot lately, and I gave her eyes a hint of orange, so I think that works to compliment Suboshi's robe and all the blue. And I'm also empressed with both hands, so yeah! So I suppose I'm pretty happy with this. |