Simple Attacks (1 day to learn)
Bukujitsu- The Ability to fly
Ki Blast- A simple Ki balst
Barier- A small Ki shild
Power Raise- Can raise your power a little bit
Regeneration- Can regrow limbs
Medium Attacks (2 days to learn)
Kienzan- A flat disk of Ki that can cut through anything
Taiyokaen- Creats a solar flare that temporarily blinds your opponet
Kaiaho- An invisiable force that pushes your opponet back
Masenko- Gohans version of the Kamehameha
Kamehameha- A Ki beam shot from the hands
Sokidan- A Ki ball formed in the hand and then thrown
Kyodakia- You grow in size and increase your power
Mystic Attack- Can extend your arms a great distance to attack enemies
Renzoku Energy Dan- A bunck of rapid Ki blasts shot like a machine gun
Advanced Attacks (3 days to learn)
Big Bang Attack- A Ki beam shot from the hand which is at a 90 degree angle
Gamit Gun- A large beam capable of destroying a planet
Final Flash- A large beam charged up in the hands and released
Burning Attack- Some wierd hand movements done and then a Ki beam is released
Ki Sword- A sword of Ki
Finish Buster- A ball of Ki that is formed and hurled like a soccer ball
Galagtic Doughnuts- A ring of Ki that squeezes your opponet
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack- The user makes ghost clones of themselvs and they explode on impact with the enemy
Split Form- Makes multiple forms of yourself
Finishers (only learn one at the begining when you Join)
Chou Kamehameha- A super Kamehameha
One Handed Kamehameha- A Kamehameha shot with one hand
Spechial Beam Canon- A small but strong twirling beam
Dragon Fist- A super strong punch
Hells Flash- A blast shot from umder the hands
Death Ball- A large Ki ball capable of destroying a planet