Solving Problems Through Force

The Leadership in Austria-Hungary during WWI


The Field Commanders, L-Z

More stories of the officers of Austria-Hungary and the battles in which they fought.

    Abbreviations for Commanders' ranks:

  • FM Feldmarschal
  • GO Generaloberst
  • GdI General der Infanterie
  • GdK General der Kavallerie
  • FZM Feldzeugmeister
  • FML Feldmarschalleutnant
  • GM Generalmajor
  • Obst Oberst
  • Hpt Hauptmann
Obst Wladimir Laxa
Inf. Reg. No. 53
FML Aurel le Beau
Inf. Div. No. 55
GM Gezá Lukachich
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 20
FML Artur Mecenseffy
Inf. Div. No. 10

GdI Otto Meixner
VII. Corps
GM Paul Nágy
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 30
Adm Max Njegovan
Pola Fleet
FML Guido Novak
Inf. Div. No. 42

FZM Oskar Potiorek
Sixth Army

GO Paul Puhallo
First Army

GO Adolf Rhemen
XIII. Corps

FM Franz Rohr
Tenth Army

GO Josef Roth
Land Defense Tirol

FZM Johann Salis-Seewis
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 42
GO Stefan Sarkotic
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 42
FML Rudolf Schamschula
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 70

FML Josef Schneider
Inf. Div. No. 28
GdI Lukas Snjáric
Agram Mil. District

GdI Belá Sorsic
Honvéd Inf. Div.
No. 70
GM Stanislaus Szeptycki
Polish Aux. Corps
GdI Sandor Szurmay
Szurmay Corps

Obst István Tisza
Inf. Reg. No. ?
GdI Ignaz Verdross
Edelweiss Corps
GM Alfred Waldstätten
Chief of Operations

Obst Archduke Wilhelm
I. Ukrainian Corps
GO Wenzel Wurm
Isonzo Army
GM Edmund Zaremba
Cav. Div. No. 4
GM Erwin Zeidler
Inf. Div. No. 58
GM Egon

Chief of Staff,
XII. Corps
GdI Emil Ziegler
XVIII. Corps
The Habsburgs
The Field
Commanders A-K
The Field
Commanders L-Z

The Army Chiefs

Civil Leaders
and Bureaucrats
The Germans
The Field of Honour
Notgeld during WWI
Essays and Maps
Credits and Links
Enver Pasha

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