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Otto von Below
Otto von Below was born in 1856.  He was the youngest General to receive an army command in Germany during WWI.  He won the Pour le Merite in 1915.  Below then commanded Army Group Below from 1916 through much of 1917, the VI. Army in 1917, the famous XIV. Army from October 1917 until spring 1918.  It was with this army that Below gained fame for the breakthrough at Caporetto on 24 October 1917, which caused the Italian III. Army to vanish and led to the retreat of the whole Italian fighting force to the Piave River.

Then throughout the rest of 1918, the XVII. Army and the I. Army, respectively.  Otto von Below died in Danzig in 1944.

GWS, 6/01

Attention:  Visit FEEFHS map room for a Map of the Southwestern Theatre including placenames mentioned here, except for Caporetto.  Be sure to open in a separate window to toggle between this page and FEEFHS.
Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, late October 1917
Immediately prior to the Battle of Caporetto
XIV. Deutsche Armee, GdI Otto von Below
  I. closed troop:  IV. K.u.K. inf. div., FML Pfeffer
      13 K.u.K. inf. div., FML
von Kaiser
      XXXIII. inf. div., GM von Iwanski
   Krauss Group, I. Korps, GdI
Alfred Krauss
       K.u.K. Edelweiss inf. div., GM von Wieden
       XXII. K.u.K. Schützen div., GM Müller
       LV. K.u.K. inf. div., GM
Felix Prinz zu Schwarzenberg
       Deutsch Jäger div., Oberst von Wodke
   Group Stein, III. Bayerisch Korps, GLt
Freiherr von Stein
       L. inf. div., GM Gerabek
       XII. inf. div., GM Lequis
   Alpenkorps, GM Ritter von Tutschek
       CXVII. inf. div., GM Seydel
   Group Berrer, GLt
Albert von Berrer
       XXVI. Württembergisch inf. div., GLt
von Hofacker
       CC. inf. div., GM Hans von Below
   Group Scotti, XV. K.u.K. Korps, FML
Karl Scotti
      I. K.u.K. inf. div., FML Metzger
     XXV. Deutsch inf. div., GM von Wedel

Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, November 1917
Immediately following the breakthrough at Caporetto
Erzherzog Eugen Armee Front, FM Erzherzog Eugen
Deutsch XIV. Armee, GdI von Below
  Group Krauss, K.u.K. I. Korps, GdI
Alfred Krauss
       Edelweiss, III. K.u.K. inf. div., GM von Wieden
       XXII. Schützen div., GM Müller
       LV. inf. div., GM
Felix Prinz zu Schwarzenberg
   Group Stein, III. Bayerisch Korps, GLt
Freiherr von Stein
       L. inf. div., GM Gerabek
       XII. inf. div., GM Lequis
   Deutsch Alpenkorps, GM von Tutschek
       CXVII. inf. div., GM Seydel
   Group Berrer, GLt
Albert von Berrer
       XXVI. inf. div., I. Württembergisch inf. div., GLt
von Hofacker
       CC. Deutsch inf. div., GM Hans von Below
   Group Scotti, XV. K.u.K. Korps, FML
Karl Scotti
v     I. inf.div., FML Metzger
       V. Deutsch inf. div., GM von Wedel