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von Gerok
Friedrich von Gerok was born in Stuttgart in 1854.  At wars’ outbreak, he was appointed to succeed General Claer as commander of the XXIV. Reserve Corps and kept this force throughout most of the war.  He received the prestigious Pour le Merite in July 1915 for the excellent performance of his Corps during the summer offensive against Russia.  He relinquished this command in February 1918. 

General der Infanterie Friedrich von Gerok died in 1937.

GWS, 7/03
Orders of Battle:  Northern Front, January 1914
Immediately preceding the Battles for the Carpathians
Deutsch Südost-armee, Gen. d. Inf. von Linsingen
Deutsch XXIV res. Korps, Genlt. von Gerok
  XIX. inf. div., Genmj. von Richard
  De. XLVIII. res. div., Genlt. von Hahn
Support:  Preußisch III. Guards, Gen. d. Kav. Marschall
  De. V. kav. div., Feldmlt. Herberstein

Orders of Battle:  Northern Front in May 1915
Immediately preceding the Dunajec offensive
Deutsche Südarmee, preuß. Gen. d. Inf. v. Linsingen
De. XXIV. Res. Korps, Gen. d. Inf. v. Gerok
    Chief of Staff, preuß. Genmj. v. Mutius
        19. inf. div., Feldmlt. Richard Mayer
                37. inf. brig., Genmj. v. Richard
                38. inf. brig., Genmj. v. Steiger
                19. field art. brig., Oberst Regnier

Orders of Battle:  Volhynian Front, November 1916

Immediately following the defeat of Roumania
Southern Front, Prinz Leopold von Bayern
Böhm-Ermolli Army Group, Generaloberst
von Böhm-Ermolli
    Deutsch Südwest Armee, Gen. d. Inf.
von Bothmer
    XXIV. Deutsch res. Korps, Gen. d. Inf. von Gerok
          III. Deutsch Guards inf. div., Genmj. Lindequist
          XLIX. Deutsch res. div., Genmj. Zöllner
          XXXVI. Deutsch res. div., Genlt. Kruge

Orders of Battle:  Eastern Front, mid-July 1917

Immediately preceding the Kerensky offensive
Army Front Erzherzog Josef, Generaloberst Erzherzog Josef
I. K.u.K. Armee, Generaloberst
von Rohr
      XXIV. Deutsch res. Korps, Gen. d. Inf. von Gerok
           Ruiz Group, Feldmlt. de Ruiz
           CCXVIII. Deutsch inf. div., Genmj. von Nostitz
           K.u.K. kav. div., Feldmlt. de Ruiz