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Eberhard von Hofacker
Hofacker began the war in command of the 45. Cavalry brigade.  Soon afterward, he was stricken with illness and recuperated for a week from 25 September until 1 October 1914.  He was transferred to the Army High Command for a desk job (Quartermaster) until 4 February 1915.  From then until late 1917, Hofacker foun duties commanding a range of divisions, uncluding the 4. Landwehr division, the 5. Cavalry division, the 82. Reserve division, the 22. Reserve division, and the 25. Infantry division. 

It was while in command of the 22. Reserve division that Hofacker was awarded the Pour le Merite, on 26 April 1917.  Hofacker's greatest achievement was his majour role in the success of the Caporetto Offensive on 24 October 1917.  Hofacker's division was part of the General
Otto von Below's German 14. Army situated on the upper Isonzo river.  A week after this brilliant breakthrough was achieved, Hofacker was named commander of Generalkommando 51, to replace General Albert von Berrer after Berrer had been surprised and killed by Italian bicycle troops outside Udine, Italy.  His successes in Italy were rewarded by the Oak Leaves addition to his Pour le Merite. 

Hofacker led Generalcommando 51 until 22 August 1918.  This force was crushed by the Entente's summer offensive, which happened to also defeat General
Georg von der Marwitz in no small way.  Hofacker was placed "zur Disposition" because there was nothing left of his Corps to command after the dreaded "Black Day" of the German Army.

GWS, 2/02 [rev. 7/05]
Orders of Battle:  June 1916
Immediately prior to the Brussilow Offensive
Linsingen Group, Gen. d. Inf.
von Linsingen
4. Armee, Generaloberst
Erzherzog Josef Ferdinand
   Gronau Group (Deutsch XLI. res. Korps), Gen. d. Kav. von Gronau
        82. res. div., Genmj. von Speßhardt
        5. kav. div., Genmj. von Hofacker

Orders of Battle:  August 1916
Immediately prior to Roumania's declaration of war against Austria
Army Group Linsingen, Gen. d. Inf.
von Linsingen
4. Armee, Generaloberst
von Tersztyanszky
    Gronau group (German XLI. res. Korps), Gen. d. Art. von Gronau
        comb. IX. kav. div., Genmj. von Legay
        82. res. div., Genmj. von Speßhardt
        5. kav. div., Genmj. von Hofacker

Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, late October 1917
Immediately prior to the Battle of Caporetto
14 Armee, Gen. d. Inf.
Otto von Below
    Group Berrer, Genlt.
Albert von Berrer
         26. Württembergisch inf. div., Genlt. von Hofacker

Orders of Battle:  late October 1917
Immediately preceding the Battle of Caporetto*
Erzherzog Eugen Armee Front,
Feldmarschal Erzherzog Eugen
  14, Armee, Gen. d. Inf.
Otto von Below
       Group Berrer, Genlt.
Albert von Berrer
          26. inf. div., (1st) Württembergisch inf. div., Genlt. von Hofacker