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Paul von Nágy
At the beginning of the war, Oberst Paul von Nágy was in command of the 72. Honved infantry brigade, part of the 37. Honved infantry division of  General Wieber in the V. Corps of General Paul von Puhallo. GM Nagy took control of the 38. Honvéd Infantry Division in November 1914, replacing FML Johann Freiherr Karg von Bebenburg.  Nagy kept this command for less than a month before he was succeeded by FML Sandor Szurmay. Nagy then assumed command of the 20. Honvéd Infantry Division in January 1915, thus replacing FML Johann Nikic, who had departed in December.  Nagy retained this command until July, when he turned it over to GM Géza Lukachich von Somorja, who took control in August.  GM Nagy was granted control of the 40. Honvéd Infantry Division in September 1915, and he led this force all the way to wars' end in November 1918, being promoted to FML along the way.

GWS, 11/01 [rev. 3/05]

Attention: Visit FEEFHS map room for a Map of Galicia including some of the placenames mentioned here.  Also, see the Map of Volhynia including Lutsk and Kowel (on the far left).  Be sure to open in a separate window to toggle between this page and FEEFHS
Orders of Battle:  Galician Front, Jan. 1915
Armee, Gen. d. Inf. Boroevic von Bojna
    VII. Korps, Gen. d. Kav.
Erzherzog Josef
        20. Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. Nagy

Orders of Battle:  Galician Front, May 1915

Immediately preceding the Dunajec offensive
III. Armee, Gen. d. Inf.
von Boroevic
VII. Korps, Gen. d. Kav.
Erzherzog Josef
       20. Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. v. Nagy
                    39. Honvéd inf. brig., Oberst Stadler
                    81. Honvéd inf. brig., Genmj. Perneczky
                    20. field art. brig., Oberst Pohl

Orders of Battle:  Bukowina, 15 December 1915
Immediately preceding the winter battles for Czernowitz
VII. Armee, GdK
Karl Freiherr v. Pflanzer-Baltin
Reserves added at the end of January
        38. Honvéd inf. div., GM Werz
        40. Honvéd inf. div., GM v. Nagy
        24. inf. div., GM Urbarz
        2. kav. div., GM v. Abele
        21. Schützen div., GM Podhajsky

Orders of Battle:  Podolian Front, June 1916

VII. Armee, Generaloberst Pflanzer-Baltin
    XI. Korps, Gen. d. Kav.
von Korda
       40. Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. Nagy

Orders of Battle:  Podolian Front, July 1916

VII. Armee, Generaloberst von Pflanzer-Baltin
    XI. Korps, Feldmlt. von Habermann
       40. Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. Nagy

Orders of Battle:  Podolian Front, Aug. 1916

Army Group Erzherzog Karl, Feldmlt. Erzherzog Karl Franz Josef
VII. Army, Generaloberst
von Pflanzer-Baltin
    XI. Korps, Feldmlt. von Haberman
       40. Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. Nagy

Orders of Battle:  Podolian Front, July 1917

VII. Armee, Generaloberst Kövess von Kövesshaza
    Deutsch Karpathen Korps, Genlt.
von Conta
       40.  Honvéd inf. div., Genmj. von Nagy