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Georg Schariczer
von Rény
In the beginning of the war, GM Scharicer was in command of the 27. infantry brigade, part of the 14. infantry division of General Hugo von Martiny in the V. Corps of General Paul von Puhallo. FML Georg Freiherr Schariczer von Rény assumed control of the 16. Infantry Division from GM Anton Goldbach in September 1914.  He held this command until July 1915, when he handed it over to GM Rudolf Krauss.  Krauss, however, held command for less than a month, and Schariczer resumed his command for another year, until he finally turned the division in to GM Adalbert von Kaltenborn in November 1916.  Then, Schariczer was appointed to command the VII. Corps in November, when the Archduke Josef took up a higher command.  Schariczer maintained his command until war's end.

GWS, 11/01
Orders of Battle:  Polish Front, January 1915
Army Group Woyrsch, GdK von Woyrsch
Öst. II. Armee, Gen. d. Kav.
von Böhm-Ermolli
    Öst. XII. Korps, Gen. d. Inf.
Kövess von Kövesshaza
         16. inf. div., Feldmlt. Schariczer

As of Christmas Day, Schariczer was located in Russian Poland, southwest of Lodz.  His sector was almost 10 km long, running north to south, and was giving active support to Schmettau’s 35. German inf. div. to the north.  The Russian Grendiers division in the 4. Army attempted to break west toward Stara, command centre for IV. Corps.  GdK Kövess ordered Schariczer to turn the 16. Inf. Div. northwest and relieve the Germans, and so his troops marched toward the frozen marshes of the Carna brook, which formed  Schmettau’s main defense line.  This helped end the Grenadier’s gambit without decision.  A few days after the battle of Tomaszów, fought further north, the entire 2. Army was transferred to the Carpathians. [rev. 5/04]

Orders of Battle:  Eastern Front, May 1915
Immediately preceding the Dunajec offensive
Armee Woyrsch, preuß. Generaloberst
v. Woyrsch
Army Group Kövess (XII. Korps), Gen. d. Inf.
v. Kövess
16. inf. div., Feldmlt. v. Schariczer
                inf. reg. 2, inf. reg. 31
                16. field art. brig., Feldmlt. v. Dobler

Orders of Battle:  Eastern Front, early June 1916
Immediately preceding the Brussilow offensive
Armee Woyrsch, preuß. Generaloberst
v. Woyrsch
   Öst. XII. Korps, Gen. d. Inf.
Ritt. v. Henriquez
       16. inf. div., Feldmlt. v. Schariczer
31. inf. brig., Genmj. v. Szende
32. inf. brig., Genmj. v. Koschatzky
16. field art. brig., Feldmlt. v. Dobler

Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, August 1916
V. Armee, Generaloberst Boroevic von Bojna
VII. Korps, Gen. d. Kav.
Erzherzog Josef
Reinforcement, XXVIII. inf div., XVI. inf. div., Feldmlt. von Schariczer

General Georg Schariczer was given command of the VII. Corps on 22 November 1916, succeeding Archduke Josef. He retained command of this force until November 1918.

Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, November 1917

I. Isonzo Armee, Generaloberst von Wurm
VII. Korps, Feldmlt. von Schariczer
  XLIV. Schützen div., Genmj. Schönauer
  XVII. inf. div., Genmj. von Ströher
  XLVIII. inf. div., Feldmlt. von Gabriel

Orders of Battle:  Italian Front, June 1918

Isonzo Army, Generaloberst von Wurm
VII. Korps, Gen. d. Inf. von Schariczer
  XIV. inf. div., Feldmlt. von Szende
  XXIV. inf. div., Feldmlt. Urbarz
  IX. kav. div., Feldmlt. von le Gay
  XLIV. Schützen div., Feldmlt. Schönauer

Orders of Battle:  Italian Front, October 1918

Isonzo Army, Generaloberst von Wurm
VII. Korps, Gen. d. Inf. Schariczer von Reny
  XXXIII. inf. div., Feldmlt. Iwanski von Iwanina
  XII. inf. div., Gen. d. Inf. Waitzendorfer
  XXIV. inf. div., Feldmlt. Urbarz