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Béla Sorsic von Severin
FML Béla Sorsic's first missions during the war was duty on the home front, where he was in charge of ensuring the safety of the bridges over the Danube near Budapest, as well as other nearby towns.  He was given command of the new Gruppe Sorsic in September 1915.  It was renamed the 63. Infantry Division in February 1916.  However, the division was disbanded in August owing to the severity of the enemy assaults.  Sorsic was granted control of the 70. Honvéd Infantry Division in August 1917, replacing GM Anton Goldbach. Sorsic remained in this command until May 1918, when he turned the division over to GM Béla Berzeviczy von Berzevicze und Kakas-Lomnitz.

GWS, 4/02 [rev. 9/03]
Orders of Battle:  Home Front, May 1915
Immediately preceding the offensives against Russia
Bridgehead Budapest, Feldmlt. v. Sorsic
            k.k. 11. Landsturm terr. brig.,Genmj. v. Grimm

Orders of Battle:  Balkan Front, September 1915
III. Armee, Gen. d. Inf. Kövess von Kövesshaza
LXII. inf. div., Feldmlt. von Kasler
  Sorsic Group, Feldmlt. von Sorsic

Orders of Battle:  Balkan Front, October 1915

Mackensen Army, Gen. August Mackensen
III. Armee, Gen. d. Inf.
Kövess von Kövesshaza
LXII. inf. div., Feldmlt. von Kasler
  Sorsic Group, Feldmlt. von Sorsic

Orders of Battle:  Volhynian Front, July 1917

Army Front Erzherzog Josef, Generaloberst Erzherzog Josef
I. K.u.K. Armee, Generaloberst
von Rohr
VIII. Korps, Feldz.
von Begnini
  LXX. Honved inf. div., Feldmlt. von Sorsic