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General Ignaz
Verdross von Drossberg
General Ignaz Verdroß Edler von Droßberg was born on 16 December 1851 in Mals, Tirol.  In 1915, he was ranked Generalmajor, and was in command of the 180. infantry brigade, part of Feldmarschalleutnat von Können-Horak's Rayon III in the Trentino.  In August 1916, Verdross took command of the 8. Infantry Division in place of FML Ludwig Fabini.  Then in January 1918, GdI Verdross was succeeded by GM Felix Prinz zu Schwarzenberg.  Verdross meanwhile took over the XIV. (Edelweiss) Corps.  He succeeded GdI Hugo Martiny and led this force until wars' end. 

When the armistice was signed on 3 November, Verdross's troops stacked their weapons as befits an army at peace, but the Italias surged forward and began imprisoning the Austrians as enemies at war, for the armistice was still not in effect on the other side of the trenches.  Unable to contact his superiors, Verdross surrendered and was taken into capitivity along with the rest of his men for the next few months.  Christian Frech summarizes his life:

  Tiroler Jägerregiment
Commander 3rd Tiroler Kaiserjägerregiment
Commander 14. Mountain Brigade
Major General
re-activated, Commander of Gruppe Nordtirol
Commander 180. InfBrig
Commander 8th ITD (Kaiserjäger-Division)
Commander XIV. Corps (Edelweiss Korps)
General der Infanterie
November 1918
Prisoner of war

General Verdross died in Innsbruck on 16 June 1931.

GWS, 11/01 [rev. 5/03]
Orders of Battle:  Italian Front, May 1915
Immediately following Italy’s declaration of war against the Empire
Southwestern Front, GO
Erzherzog Eugen
Tirol Defense Command, GdK
     Rayon III (Südtirol)
         91. inf. div., FML
v. Können-Horak
                  50. hus. brig., Oberst Spiegel
                 detachment Riva. fortress detachment command, GM Schiesser
                  181. inf. brig., GM Englert
                  180. inf. brig., GM Edler v. Verdross
                  52. hus. brig., Oberst Edl. v. Kreschel
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, 15 May 1916
Immediately preceding the Offensive aganst Italy
Army Group Archduke Eugen,
GO Archduke Eugen
     Chief of Staff, Feldmlt.
Alfred Krauss
XI. Army, GO
Viktor Dankl
     XX. Korps, Feldmlt.
Archduke Karl Franz Josef
          Chief of Staff, Obst.
Alfred Frh. v. Waldstätten
          8. Inf. Div., Feldmlt. Fabini
               58. Mtn. Brig., Obst. v. Merten
               180. Inf. Brig., Feldmlt. Edler v.Verdross
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, November 1917
Immediately preceding the Caporetto Offensive
Conrad Group,
Feldmarschal Conrad von Hötzendorf
Erzherzog Peter Ferdinand Group, Gen. d. Inf.
Erzherzog Peter Ferdinand
XI. Army, Generaloberst
     Rayon III, Südtirol, Feldmlt. von Kletter
     Edelweiss, XIV. Korps,  Gen. d. Inf.
von Martiny
          Kaiserjäger, VIII. inf. div., Feldmlt. Verdross von Drossberg
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, June 1918
Immediately preceding the Battle of the Piave
Army Group Conrad,
Feldmarchal Conrad von Hötzendorf
X. Armee, Feldmarchal
von Krobatin
XIV. Edelweiss Korps, Gen. d. Inf. von Verdross von Drossberg
  Kaiser Jäger div., GM
Felix Prinz zu Schwarzenburg
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, October 1918
Immediately preceding the Battle of Vittorio Veneto

Army Group Erzherzog Josef,
Generaloberst Erzherzog Josef
X. Armee, Feldmarschal
von Krobatin
     XIV. Edelweiss Korps, Gen. d. Inf. Verdross von Drossberg
          Kaiser Jäger div., GM
Felix Prinz zu Schwarzenberg
          XIX. inf. div., Feldmlt. Elmar
          res., III. Edelweiss inf. div., Feldmlt. von Alpenbach