Hit by a car in France

Voici le compte-rendu que Magalie Boulay a fait parvenir à Dan Proulx, directeur sportif de l'équipe Opus Bike, après son retour de France où elle s'était rendue disputer le Tour de Drome.

I just came back from France and I wanted to let you know how things went.... well not good. First of all it was soooo hot there, like 35-40C every day. The first race was on Tuesday and it was quite a hard one. After only 5km and already a GPM, I was freezing to death because of the dehydratation. So I manage to stay with the pack for like 45 of the 75 km and I got droped in the half of the second GPM. I finished 56 out of 76, nine minutes behind.

The second day, well things were going pretty good until... I got hit by a car. A commissaire's car. It was with only 15km to go in that 80 km stage and I was about to catch the pack back. I only had to pass this last car, it was in a descent and I was going at about 55km/h but I went on the right, he never saw me, so he changed his lane and my arm hit the mirror and I was projected in a 1,5 meter deep ditch on the side of the road. Result: an ambulance ride for me, lots of brewses, like everywhere, and my neck is still to be taken care of. I can't ride until I go to the doc because I still have those huge headaches and I don't want to take any chances.

So even tough I did only one and a half race, I learned lots of things. Actually that first race was the hardest ever, so that's good. The field was pretty strong with Jannie Longo and, once again, to be able to ride with those girls is amazing. I'll soon be able to ride my bike. I was suppose to go to Fitchburg but I won't. Maybe I just needed a bit of a break and that's the way I'm gonna get it so.

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