**Warning these are my opinions**

Please view the Empathy page before viewing the Healing page.

Just like with empathy what you want to do is establish a thread, a connection with another individual.  Once connected with them you will be able to feel their pain physically and emotionally. 

In order to heal someone physically what you do is bring all of your energy into your hands and focus the energy on heat, white light, love, and healing.  Once the energy is flowing in a soft pulsing manner through your hands you may place your hands on the part of the person that is hurting and allow your energy to flow into the area that hurts them.  Not too much, not too little. 

Afterwards be sure to ground yourself and should you need more energy because you feel drained visualize energy that is healing and good gently flowing up from the earth into you like a stream of silver light slowly beaming up through your body.

In order to heal someone emotionally a lot of patience, listening and compassion is needed.  You now have established a connection with them and can feel the pain they are in.  Sometimes just listening to them will help them to heal all on their own.  Sometimes you will need to send slow, gentle energies to them to help heal their hurts inside.  Sometimes this takes minutes, sometimes its work that spans days or months.  Time is irrelevant in the relative scheme of things.  Healing them or helping them to heal themselves is a beautiful thing.

Again, be sure to ground yourself and if you need energy the earth/universe is the perfect place to bring more ener

Before attempting to heal anyone else it is best to heal yourself.. You ARE important and worthy of your own help and healing!  And don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it... there is nothing wrong with asking for help.

Healing for me begins with knowing myself.  My own fears, my own desires, wants, needs, loves, and who I really am inside.  You see I'm not so different from everyone else, and neither are you.

There are differences that make us unique, but not to the point where we are too different to understand our fellow man.

Common wants:  To drive a car, pay our bills, do our own laundry, to go to college and get a degree or ten, to have a successful career, to be heard.

Common Desires:  To make goals and reach them, to fall in love with someone who matches us perfectly, to look good inside, to be liked, and to be the type of person anyone would like to talk to.

Common Fears:  Failing, falling short, not being able to pay bills, never being understood, never being truly loved, never being truly cared for, sleeping alone even one more night.

Common Needs:  Food, shelter, clothing, water, companionship.

Common Loves:  Nature, animals, people, of course the love of our life, money, material objects.

Common Questions we ask the self:  Who am I?  Who do I want to be?  Who was I when I was younger?  Who was I in past lives?  Who will I be when I grow older?  Who will I be in the next life?  Am I loveable?  Am I likeable?  Did I hug anyone today?  Have I helped even one person feel better about themselves today?

The list goes on...

Will I be alone when I die?  How will I die?  How do I want to die?  Will anyone be at my funeral?  If they are, will they be laughing or crying?

We ask ourselves tough questions about things we can't always know.  This is because we want to find affirmation that we are good people and that others see us as good people.  If you want to know if you are a good person.. examine yourself.  Find out what you consider good about others, and reach for that.  Once you have attained those qualities you will know inside you are in fact a good person and that others in fact do see you as a good person. 

Common Questions we ask of the universe:  Who created the universe?  Is this the only universe?  Who created earth?  Who were the first people?  What came first the chicken or the egg?  Is the glass half empty or half full?  Is there a heaven?  Is there a hell?  Is there a god?  Are there many gods?  Where does light come from?  Does everything that go up really come down? 

Common Upsets:  Loneliness, depression, sadness, remembering our past, past coming back to haunt us, sleeping alone, not liking to look in the mirror.

Once we come to understand that we are each different and each the same we are that much closer to being able to understand others.  And what a wonderful thing it is to understand someone else!  So listen really listen and when you do.. you can then help the person to heal and the same goes with yourself.

Love & Light,