Protection Chant

"I am surrounded by the white light of the Goddess through which no negativity can penetrate."


"I am surrounded by the white light of the Goddess through which no evil can penetrate."


"I am surrounded by the white light of Jesus Christ through which no evil can penetrate."

**Feel free to substitute deities or things you would not like to penetrate your being**

--Author Unknown

What to do:

Chant saying 3 x
Breathe 3 x
Chant saying 3 x
Breathe 3 x
Chant saying 3 x
Breathe 3 x

While chanting this protection chant it would be beneficial to imagine a white light surrounding you completely...your entire body.  If you'd like you can picture yourself in an egg shaped white light that goes above you, below you, and all around you.