From the time beginning finnish people have been very familiar with nature, got life and death from it. There where Swedish and Norwegians are known as Vikings, Finnish people are known as witches and shamans. And as our country is still mostly just woods and lakes, some people still get experienced the touch of the livings of the nature..
Venla's page for nature spirits and elves
For ignorant eyes, familiar homehill and forest around it can seem safe and calm, but for wice seeker it is full of danger, magic and greatures, that cannot be found from Biology-books. Those folks have lived there from the time begin. Where they could have gone now then?
In the forest you better keep your eyes open, so you won't get on the paths of Orcfolk and become a slave to rest of your life. In foaming rapids and stony shorewaters lurks Näkki, who has pulled many people to the depths with his music. Eartfolks walk amongst us staying invisible, sometimes doing good, sometimes changing our children to Earth-gaffers. Now and then a hilltroll comes to the door and asks for you to lend him "hupspukkaimet".
These folks live in the nature, mostly just alone by themselves, but sometimes letting the people know about them. Even their race is older than ours, they are much like humans. And if They cannot be turned to you by spell, they can be tricked like us. I know some spells and tricks and i'll write here what I know, but I won't tell how to do it. These kind of things are not for everyone to know but if you really need something, you can ask me and I'll see if I let you learn the trick.
The militar force's of the folks are known. In the time begin, wars between elven were as usual as with people, and without exception waterfolks leaved the battlefields as the winner. Victorious history got a clear reason. The waterfolks are the oldest-and the most poverfull. If raised for evil work, the mark they would leave would be horrible, but luckyly livings of the water are the most difficult to push into fight.
     There was a time when the Rockfolks were the most feared of the folks, except the waterfolks. If you wish you can push the waterfolks away from your shore with the help of Rockfolk, but never further than the water raises at low tide.
     Forestfolks are a bit weaker than water- and rockfolk, but clearly stronger than eartfolk. If getting the foresfolk angered, you can ask help from waterfolk, but usually they are friends with eachother, not against.
     The Eartfolk is the easiest to push to make harm. If you want to cause trouble to your enemy, you can allways call "the son from the bottomfield". Still all elven mostly like to help people, becouse they have had enough of humanlike fights..

                       (Spells and tricks that I know:   Summon army of the folks!)