Resent Updates:
08/09/06 - IM Prank - I added an IM Prank. Check it out in the Jokes>IM Pranks section.
09/11/06 - War - I finally got internet access so I uploaded 800,000 year war
09/24/06 - War - I updated 800,000 year war. Due to lack of time the name has been changed to Eternal War. The movie itself is complete. All that remains to be done is the sound.
10/07/06 - War - I updated Eternal War. So far I have sound for the blue guy (me) in scenes 1 - 3. After doing what i guess you could call a servey after doing the voices i have to add background music for title screen and change the characters from stick figure 2 cartoon. This will make production take even longer.
There may be a future affiliation with KTN