
Poison The Well
Shai Hulud
Bleak December
From Autumn to Ashes


Poison The Wel
l - Nerdy, Botchla, Pieces of You In Me, Turn Down Elliot, Slice Paper Wrists, Not Within Arms Length, Mid Air Love Message, 12/23/93, Artist Rendering of Me, A Wish For Wings That Work
Shai Hulud
- A Profound Hatred For Man


- Kisses are never safe, when residue of old love is left ~PTW
- Death only comes to those who don't want it
- This world will pass away, and my emotions with it. Why should I strive for acceptance and piece of mind? ~Shai Hulud


- Playing video games such as Age of Empires (I remember back in the day, way before the newer AOE games came out), any Legend of Zelda game, Starcraft, Metroid Prime, etc.
- Listening to music
- Constantly on the computer

People I Admire:

Danielle Harvey

Fav Movies of all time:

Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Dune, and Dogma

Fav Animal:

Wolves, and larger felines

I'm Lukasz as you should know. I'm 5'10, haven't grown since 7 years ago. I'm 16 at the moment. I have brown eyes and brown hair. My favorite genres of music is hardcore. If I have nothing to do, than I put a pencil on a page, and see what drawing/words come out of my weird brain, no.. It's not some dark gothic stuff.. Anyway.. I was born in Szczecin, Poland May 1st 1988. Moved to Germany when I was half a year old. Then moved to Toronto when I was 2 years old. I moved to Brampton, on new years of 2000. anyway.. I like to play video games, I'll annihilate you in any game. I'll make you look like a rapper without weed. I hate sheep to the core. What am I? A sheperd or something? I can't "be myself" with sheep around me. Albeit, I never believed in that "be yourself" thing. I can't like any bands without them knowing, and them pretending to like the bands. I hate being decriminated and called "satanic." I am not satanic, I do not worship any demons. Maybe some of the bands I like do those things, but it's none of my concern. But I will say the devil is becoming less of a terrible force, because of preppy punks. I've seen people wilth igronant nicknames and website address like "satanicbabydoll." They most likely don't even know the seven demons of sin. Well, this quickly has become a rant.