This will help defer personal expenses of my own (such as rent, living expenses, health coverage, car payments, etc.). If enough money comes in through donations, and I can receive assurance that it will keep steadily coming in, then I will be able to perform the work of this ministry full-time; that is, quit my day job and do this only.
A few notes about the direction of this ministry. First, I fully intend to become actively involved in debates, teaching, and pastoral work. The bachelor's degree that I will obtain is meant as a first step to entering seminary and obtaining an M.Div, and then possibly an M.Th in apologetics. Second, I would like to become a representative of CARM; but first I need more time on my hands to perform the work of that ministry. This ministry, I hope, will be only a first step. A step to let everyone know that I am serious about becoming a Christian apologist.
By donating to this ministry, you will be helping me defend the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ from those who seek to undermine or pervert its saving message. If you are still unsure weather or not this is a worthwhile cause to spend money on, e-mail me and I will send you a Word document filled with anti-testimonies of ex-Christians who never received adequate instruction in apologetics.
Ministries like this one exist to answer the hard questions. Many Christians need, but never get, answers to those questions. We equip pastors, teachers, and students to answer those questions for themselves and others. We expose false teachers. We defend the faith once and for all entrusted to the saints, and we do so with gentleness and reverence.