Being A True Performer

or Showmanship and Vent

There is a difference between being technically proficient and being a good performer. You've probably seen some vents who have perfect lip control and good manipulation, but their characterizations, showmanship, and material are not up to par. There are other vents who lack great technique, but audiences love their shows.

I remember watching one vent who was technically perfect, but had such a frozen, odd, robotic look on his face that it made the audience uncomfortable. Everything has to come together to make a good show.

Showmanship. that hard to describe element of a performer, can make the difference. The audience must like you personally on stage before they accept your act. One of the best lessons I had in showmanship was going to see the late Liberace. The corny jokes and preening would have bombed if done by anyone else, but he had such charisma that the audience was totally enthralled. Before he even sat at the piano, we had red hands from clapping at his schtick. They didn't call him Mr. Showmanship for nothing.

Next time you watch a famous singer on television, observe how they not only hit the notes, but "sell" the song and performance as well. Besides concentrating on the material and technical details in our acts, we also need to address our own stage persona and showmanship.

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