Dr. Bill's Information Page.


Headline - Daily News - Wednesday January 24, 2001 -SKEETER SPRAY NIGHTMARE - workers: pesticide made us sick.

Synopsis of report by Juan Gonzalez page 3:

At least 6 men (who worked spraying Anvil)  have provided sworn affidavits and interviews with the Daily News, complaining of fatigue, severe headaches, difficulty breathing, loss of hair, nausea and even sexual dysfunction.

The men worked for Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, - the same company not only sprayed NYC but Westchester County as well.

The main claim of one of the workers (Samuel Gowrie)is that they received no training whatsoever.

This matter will be investigated by OSHA, EPA and other officials.

Key point is that the symptoms presenting are indeed fairly common with exposure to ANVIL.

As of February 1, 2001, Dr. Bill is still waiting for data presentation about the numbers  of cases of asthma, difficulty in breathing, diarrhea, etc., appearing or not appearing in hospitals, or clinics in NYC or Westchester County following spraying episodes.

Spring is fast approaching and to date no information on year 2001 plan to handle spraying/no spraying, use of larvicides, etc., has been forthcoming from NYC or Westchester County.
west nile virus - the saga begins.