Queer as Folk
So, these are my Queer as Folk recs. I'm only going to rec fics I've read personally (as opposed to fics people just suggested). If there's a fic that isn't on here that you'd like to rec to me, by all means email me a link. If I like it, I'll add it to the list. All links go to external sites.
Queer Theories by Gaedhal: A very, very long fic. I don't think it would be possible to read it all in one sitting. It revolves mostly around Brian, though there are others, like Justin that are given a lot of face time. Very well written. The only minor nitpick I have is that Justin seems a little off to me sometimes, but that can be put down to different interpretation of the characters. Well worth the time.
Queer Realities by Gaedhal: Work in Progress. The sequel to Queer Theories. Also very long. The continuing saga of Brian and Justin. Well written and you'll definetly want to read it when you're done Queer Theories. It is a WIP but I think there's only one chapter left to be posted. Gaedhal also runs a yahoo group where she posts her new chapters to this, and other fics. You can join it here.