This page is dedicated to my uncle "
Roger" who was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer. I am making this page to try to aid in keeping everyone informed about what is going on, and also so he can see just how much he is loved.
This page started Oct. 23, 2001
Roger with daughter Meredith  -  top
Roger with son Ryan  -  bottom
Roger's wife christina  -  top
Roger's kids Michael, Meredith, & Ryan, with cousin Kaitlyn  -  bottom
If anyone has anything they would like me to add to this page please feel free to send it to me.
you are vistor #
Roger's niece Bev (venuss)
email me here
Fri. Oct. 19, 2001
Grandma Joyce wrote me and told me Roger has advanced throat cancer with a very poor prognosis.
Sat. Oct. 20, 2001
Letter from JR -
Dear all friends and family,
I have just found out from my mother that my brother Roger Saugstad has cancer. He was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer. The cancer has already spread to his liver. The average survival rate of the 12,000 cases diagnosed each year is 10,000 do not make it for one year. Only 10 percent survive for five years.
This was very shocking news to learn, Roger is only 33 and we just got done playing volleyball Monday night and he seemed fine. I talked to Roger Thurs. and he was in good spirits. He was bragging that he could now retite at an earlier age then his big brother Steve. I talked with his wife Christina on Fri. and she said he is feeling fine right now. He plans on playing volleyball Mon. They are currently looking the the right  doctor and plan for chemo are starting immediately.
Christina asked that a email chain is started so that all of the updates and infomation can be givin out quickly and that excessive phone calls can be avoided when rest may be needed.
This is a very trying time. A 33 year old is not wuppose to have cancer. This is a difficult time and the best thing that we can do now is pray. Last year Christina's brother went through a terrible accident and the prayers received then seemed to help. Please keep Roger, Christina and all three children in your thoughts and prayers. Everyone that knows Roger knows that he has never accepted an answer that he couldn't do something. So if anyone is going to break the mathmatical odds it will be this math teacher.
Sun. Oct. 21, 2001
Roger is doing fine right now, says he hasn't excepted it yet since he is still feeling well. He has an appointment with another doctor Mon. and plans to play volleyball Mon. night in the Co Ed league. Roger wants to have a "fattening up party" as he put it in the coming weeks. He has been told to eat now ahd try to add a few extra pounds..
Mon. Oct. 22, 2001
Roger played volleyball and had fun and was playing well. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and is going to start chemo. He has confidence in the doctor. He understands the odds he is fighting and he is ready for the fight.
Tues.  Oct. 23,  2001
Roger had his first chemo treatment today. He will stay overnight to make sure that he is not having any problems. He is suppose to have another treatment next Tue. also.
Wed. Oct. 24, 2001
Roger should be coming home today. First treatment appears to have gone well. He did not like the Magnesuim and Potasium treatment did not settle well. He plans to play volleyball Thurs night.
Fri. Oct 26, 2001
Roger will be getting outta the hospital today, he became nausated from the first treatment and drs. had to find the right mix to cure the nausa, then he had to be able to keep food down for 24 hrs.  Will have next treatment next Tues. and then will have two weeks off in which time tests will be run to see how he is reacting to the treatments. His only limitations right now is to not lift anything over 10 lbs. He is tired but doing good.
Fri. Dec. 14, 2001
Well its been awhile since i have had a chance to update this page - in summery over all Roger is doing really good, the cancer was worse then the doctors originally thought and the there for the chemo is really working miraculously well. Roger is still playing volleyball. Roger and family are going to be going to Florida for x-mas also to disneyworld and to visit Robin and family in Georgia on the way.
Jay, JR, Roger
YASINA - is the gaurdian of all cancer patients
ROSHAUN - is the gaurdian on rememberance
Roger and family christmas 2001
Roger past away on April 15, 2004
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