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Wonderings --
Part Dux 

Writers Wondering
Snore Wondering
Time Wondering
Love's The Answer
Hats n' Stuff
Never Satisfied
The Cat n' the Hair
Chat Wonderings

Oh my, you want more wonderings??? Very well, as you wish,
welcome to Wonderings, Part Dux. I hope you enjoy :-)

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50 Wondering
Well, here I am again just wondering away. I turn 50 here soon for those of you that don't know ... and no jokes cause I've already heard and said most of them to my friends and family that have already passed that big 50 marker ....:-)  Yes, I'm the baby of the "group" so I’m the last to turn the big 50 and now that I am almost there I wonder what this new half a century has in store for me.

I'm sure it will be quite different from the last 50 years which has provided me and my family with many fond memories and great stories ... like when I was 5 or so, I had waist length curls that my mom would spend hours (so it seemed) brushing, tugging, and braiding it so tight that when she was done I was sure my eyes were no longer round like they should be.  So, one day my sister decided to play beauty parlor ... I of course being younger was lucky enuf to be her "customer". She took me behind the curtain and nicely cut my curls off except for two ... boy was I proud of her for doing such a great job and I liked it :-) Never could figure out why our mom got rather upset, look at all the time us girls saved her from messing with my hair not to mention that my eyes could now stay where they were supposed to be and not pulled over to snuggle up to my ears .... lol

Then there was the time that my sister decided to "hop" a ride on the back of the mail truck one day after school.  She was tired from walking home and after all it was going right past our house so what was the big deal?  Well wouldn't you know, when the mail truck started up it gave a little jump and of course my sister fell off, dumped her onto the street and gave her a rather nasty concussion and a trip to the hospital. Imagine our fathers surprise when he got a letter in the mail from the federal government saying he was going to be sued because my sister was "trespassing on government property", oh my.

Then my brother, who was in the Navy at the time, went to pick my sister up at the airport from her senior trip. Pam got close enuf to see him and noticed … what is that on his feet, OMG WHITE SOCKS!!! NERD SOCKS of all things!!! How embarrassing!!! How could he do this to me here with all my friends from high school???" She wouldn't even walk with him and made him walk in front of her and pretended not to know him.  Fred, to get even with her, told our parents that Pam had met some sun glassed, pimply faced, probable dope smoking, band guy on the plane. I think the word "engaged" might have been used, but it took her hours to explain about the "cool guy from the plane" to our parents …lol

When I close my eyes, I can see my mom taking us on shopping trips for fancy "ball gowns" for the prom or the New Years Eve Dances.  I actually have 2 of those gowns in my closet after all these years.  I remember watching her burn the edges of my history project paper with a cigarette, then she popped it in the oven to give it that "old" look and feel.   I can still remember thinking ... dang, that was clever.  Dad, was up early every day making everyone's lunch and on Sundays he'd have our envelopes filled out and ready for church ... heck, he'd even drive us to make sure we would get there safe.   My aunt was home every summer with us from her teaching job in Chicago and we could always count on her for money for ice cream or to take us to the pool for a swim.

Then as I got older, new things came into my life ... when my son was 3 he kindly took all the little rubber stoppers off the door bumpers at my parents home and flushed them down the toilet.  And to this day I can’t pass a Dairy Queen without thinking of my son (9 then) saying "I want one of those chocolate par fits" … lol  Or the time I was trying to get my 3 yr. old daughter to speak in the tape recorder, she was soooo stubborn! I had to pretend to turn it off to get her to speak … lol And when she finally figured out how to get her shoes on she would ALWAYS put them on the wrong feet and we have pic’s to prove it … lol

Oh gee, did I forget to mention I could go to the movie for 15 cents, milk was delivered to your door or bought at the dairy, 10 cents would get you a HUGE double ice cream cone, 35 cents would buy you a hamburger, fries and a coke at a new place called a drive-in ... ummm I think it was called McDonalds, the auto was still pretty much of a "rich mans toy", poodle skirts, slicked down hair for the fellers, boo-fonts for the girls, 45 records (anyone have any of those, or that little plastic piece that went in the center???), TV BEFORE color, TV dinners, (no the micro-wave hadn't been invented yet … lol) phone numbers were only 5 numbers, I saw men walking on the moon, tape recorders and phone machines were just being invented, computers were the size of my house, we didn't have pc’s, the World Wide Web, fax machines, the ever popular voice mail we all love today (ya right), or CD’s ... and nooooo the president was NOT Abraham Lincoln nor did we own slaves … that would be my dad’s time …. hahahahaha.

Many things have happened in the last 50 years and all in all I've had a great time.  I’m looking forward to new and exciting memories in the next 50. I can see it now, AARP will be after me, free checking, free coffee at McDonalds (course I HATE coffee), gray hair, wrinkles, false teeth, zimmers, canes, breasts hangin (hay you, that is NOT my knee ya know), and more.   Ooooo I can't wait to see what will happen next ... oooo boy ... :-)  Happy wondering, until we meet again. 11/21/98

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Writers Wondering
O.K., so like here I am again, only now I'm wondering what to wonder about .... oh what to do, what to do.  oooohhhh huummmm.  This might be one of the shortest wondering yet unless I can get an idea here pretty darn quick ... that's PDQ to those of you that don't know that.  PDQ, ... now there's something to wonder about actually.  Why is everything now a days PDQ or ASAP, or the dreaded "I SAID NOW"???  Like I am REALLY gonna move that fast ya know.  Whatever happened to ... ya sure, take your time, when you get around to it, I got time (uh oh, did the time thingy already didn't I???)  lol  Gawwwddd I'm stuck!!!  Do you think I have the dreaded writers block i've heard so much about.  Don't ya have to BE a writer to get that???  Noooooo??  uh ohhhh, I'm in trouble then :-(

Actually I think all people know how to write, I mean it is fairly easy here, all you have to do is put a few letters together and presto .... you get words (hopefully).  But some people have the wonderful ability to write lovely stuff at the drop of a hat, while others of us have to work like crazy to get more than one word on a page?  Then we have to figure out how to string all the words together to make some kind of sense ... that does help, cause I could just put words together and you'd have NO clue what it means then ... oh true, true, uh huh read n' see. 

I think that REAL writers are wonderful people, they write things that can transport you to other places, other lands, bring a smile to your face, a chuckle to yer throat, and tears to your eyes all without you even having to leave home.  How does a person get this ability???  Do your parents have to request that before your a twinkle in their eye, a thought in their brain, or when they say "what do you mean, you didn't use protection?" the morning after.  If you have to ask for it, how would you do that???  Could it be as easy as just saying "Someday I'm going to have a child ... pls give them the ability to write because I think it would be helpful to them".  Or it is just the luck of the draw, some get it, some do not???  Like having blue eyes and blond hair???   Well I got news for ya, if I wanted to be a blue eyed blond, I can to do that with blue contacts and peroxide ... so there!!!

Well seems like I got quite a few words on the page here, pretty good for being stuck huh???  Maybe you don't really have to be a writer to write, you only need to be an old windbag ... seems to work for me ... hahahaha  So much for writers block .... hay ... have a GREAT day ... wonder at you another day :-)  10/30/98

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Snore Wondering
I was talking to a nice feller the other day (ready??? ... here it comes) that got me to wondering. It has come to my attention that a great many people apparently ... now get this ... snore. Not only do they snore, but they do it rather LOUDLY!!!  Some, apparently make soooooo much racquet at night that their sleeping partners will try a variety of ways to make them stop. Noise I might add, that the snorer has no clue they are even making!!! I was told that the chat room is going to have a contest to see who snores the loudest. If they do, I already know who will win that contest, hands down!!!

I'm just home from my trip to Vegas and I tell you it was quite an experience to be in the same room with people that snore.  The one to my left ... was making little soft puffy sounds ... sorta like the noise a mud pit makes when blowing a bubble ... puff puff. However, to my right was our very own Class "A" snorer (good thing we love this man a lot) making these gawd awful crash booming noises that woke me nightly from a dead sleep. Sounds that I didn't think were possible for a human being to make, much less make when they were sleeping. This man has it all, I heard BIG gruffs .... little gruffs .. the ever popular grumppppffffff then hold your breath technique (that one really gets ya ... makes ya just wanna poke the boy so he'll take another breath quick) and other sounds that are just impossible to describe. But if you can imagine the noise a garbage truck, a train, and a guy running a chain saw might make together, you may get a small idea of the nightly concert this man can make while innocently sleeping.

I've heard of several torture devices that is supposed to lessen the noise a snorer makes ... there are several pillows available, even one that you put under your back ... since when does the noise come from your back (figure that one out why don't ya).  Sounds reallllll comfy doesn't it, ever try sleeping with a lump in your back??? I've also seen a device that goes in their mouth, would you be just a bit worried if it turned up missing in the morning??? Dream about eating anything last night honey???  All this in an effort to keep them from making THAT noise!!! In an effort to keep our Class "A" snorer from making the windows rattle he was subjected to the band-aid nose device. Which of course always ended up being stuck someplace other than his nose in the morning ... try ripping that sucker off your chest hairs ... ouchie!!! 

I ask you, should we pity the poor innocent snorer as he/she gets poked in the ribs ... rolled over ... thumped with pillows, hands, elbows, legs, or anything else that is handy over and over during the night? Naaaaaah, not if they they make sounds like those I heard while on vacation. But , I will tell you this ... if I go on vacation again with our Class "A" snorer ... I'm getting a pair of super duper ear protectors, maybe like the kind they use at the shooting range .... lol

Until next time .... happy wondering!!!

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Time Wondering
Wonder what I’ve been wondering about lately??? The other day I was thinking (ok so ... I WAS wondering ) about time.  Noooooo, it’s not about time I was wondering … I was thinking ABOUT time …. geeze.

Time is sorta strange. We think young people have lots of time, but they think they have NO time. If you don’t believe that, just ask a kid sometime to do something …. Sorry mom, I don’t have time, I’m late to meet Mary, late for school … late for practice … late for ________ (fill in the blank). Or try telling them they have to be home at a certain hour and you get … geeze, that’s not even enuf time to have any fun … or any of a list of other complaints about why they can’t be home cause they just don’t have TIME!!! ARGHHHH … then sneak a peek at the kids as they spend hours laying on the couch watching tv or playing games cause they don’t have time to do anything!!!

Then we come to old people. We assume that they don’t have much time left but we all know they have to much time on their hands. Where I live I am surrounded by old people that spend a majority of their time spying on each other. Oh exxxxxcuse me … that’s not spying, they are protecting the neighborhood and keeping their fingers flexible by dialing 911 and reporting … "there’s a strange dog outside my house here and you need to come get it!!!" Guess they wouldn’t think of going outside themselves and just shouting …. "SHOO … GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Apparently they only do that to people … LOL I’ve also noticed that they rarely stray away from home for any period of time. However, when they finally do emerge they spend a great deal of energy attempting to run me over with their car ... or if they miss me they get another chance at the grocery store trying to roll over my feet or my behind with their shopping cart while muttering … "damn kids, ALWAYS IN THE WAY"!!!

As to people my age, I wonder where we fit in??? We aren’t young anymore but we are still far from old. What kind of time do we have … to much, not enuf, just right, or what??? All I know is that I’m usually up at 6am and before I know it is 8am and I’m scrambling about trying to get dressed for work. After being at work for awhile, I finally get around to looking at the clock and now …. its 10:30 am. Where’d the last 2 hrs go??? I already lost 2 in the morning, now another 2, I now have 4 missing hours that I have no clue where they went to. Before I know it, it’s lunch time and then … 3pm … another 2 hrs missing .. grrrrrr I’ve also noticed that out of a normal 168 hr week I manage to squeeze in, on the average, 180 hours!  How’s that one work??? Like have I somehow managed to steal a few extra hours from the kids or the old folks or what?

From all this, I’ve concluded … 1. Kids don’t have enuf time … 2. Old people have too much time and ... 3. People my age just let time slip through their fingers without noticing. All this is now making me crazy and I’m loosing time just thinking about it. Time for a nap!!! Later :-)

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Loves The Answer
Several people have asked me where my weekly wondering is ... hummmm, apparently a few of you are now wondering on your own ... lol. Well, as many of you know, I've been sick with the flu and my ol brain just isn't working, soooo ... for those of you that need a little dose of wondering I offer this to you. I saw the following in a newspaper many years ago, cut it out and have carried it in my wallet ever since. Many times over the years I've had to take it out and read it ... sometimes more than once ... to let the message sink in. Perhaps it will come to mean as much to you has it has to me. I hope you enjoy it.

"There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
no door that enough love will not open;
no disease that enough love will not heal;
no sin that enough love will not redeem;
no guilt that enough love will not throw down."

"It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble;
how hopeless the outlook;
how muddled the tangle;
how great the mistake."

"A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all."
Ohio Mason

Much affection to each one of you that takes the time to read my little wonderings. :-)

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Someone told me something today (ready??? … here it comes) that made me wonder. If you don’t think that one person can make a difference in another’s life, I’m here to tell ya that you are wrong, so very wrong. Last night a chatter was having problems with life and it’s complexities and felt that it wasn’t worth the hassle anymore. There is no doubt that life at times can be a major pain in the keister and occasionally we can lose our way. However, I know that this person will persevere and conquer whatever it is that brought them to this point in their life. I would also like to commend them for letting someone know about the pain that they were feeling and am grateful that they were able to reach out to someone for help. Many helped this person, but three stand out as shining examples of what we should all strive to be but rarely are. We know these three by their chat names … Nell36, Jatus and Lanz. These people, in my opinion, went far beyond the bounds of "chat" to help this person through this difficult time and to get them the help they needed. I’d like to acknowledge them for their kindness, their willingness to help, and simply say "thanks" for being a warm, loving, caring person. Thanks ya’ll, well done!!!!!

I’ve seen it happen many times … people that will probably never meet each other in "real" life get together for a bit of pleasant chat … then someone will enter who has a problem … whether it is just having a crappy day to something more serious as a lost or injured child, someone they care about is in the hospital, or a loved one that has just passed away. It doesn’t seem to make a difference if this person chats regularly or is someone that just stumbled into the room. Not everyone, but some, will instantly rally around the one that is in pain to offer support and understanding via this thing we call the net. Words of comfort fly across the screen faster than superman and his famous "bullet". It makes my heart fill with joy to see this, to be a part of it, and to know that there are still plenty of people in the world that care for their fellow person.

My wondering today is … for each of us to look within ourselves to find the strength to give comfort to those who need it. I thank each and every one of you that have already found it, and encourage those of you that haven’t to do so quickly … and to Nell, Jatus and Lanz, I am honored to be able to call all of you … "friend".

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Hat's n' Stuff
I was talking to a few people who, at times, think I’m rather humorous. This got me to wondering (knew it was coming, didn't ya???). Even though I have been told this for many years I honestly have no clue why people think this about me. I simply report stuff that happens to, or around me, which seems to make my friends (both real and cyber) howl with laughter.

For example, the other night Nellie mentioned that she had let the "girls" loose. Now for those of you that don’t know what that means, it means that Nellie had taken off her bra (got it, "girls" … "loose" ... oh use your imagination!!). Since the discussion had now turned to underwear (or lack of it), I mentioned that one night coming home from dinner with my family, my sister, who is rather well endowed, was getting comfortable by removing her bra. She then tossed it into the backseat where our 70 yr old father caught it. Dad examined the article in question with great care and observed that this would come in handy for anyone with two heads, since each side was big enuf to be used for a hat. Saying that, Dad demonstrated the accuracy of his observation by putting one side of it upon his head and sure enuf … made him a dandy hat. Ok … it was a sorta strange looking hat I'll give you that … with the straps dangling in his face and one "hat" lolling off to the side like that … but all in all a dandy hat. Much to my surprise the chat screen was suddenly filled with LOL’s, ROFL’s and LMAO’s, I think I even saw a ROFLMAO fly by at my rather innocent report of the above events.

This leads me to conclude that most of my friends just have a tendency to laugh and giggle and it’s not caused by anything I do or don’t do. I of course do not suffer from the giggles myself (much) and in an effort to keep that illusion alive would strongly recommend that you do not talk to Flash, Nell, Jatus, Astro, Phil, Bursty, DragonMistress, Poet or anyone else that has had the misfortune to be either on the phone or in NetMeeting with me ... oooopppppss ... errrrrrr ... ummmmmmm ... hahahahahaha

On that note, I have the giggles now and its YOUR fault …. Wonder at you another day :-)

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Never Satisfied
I was talking to a wonderful young man I know today and he said something that set me to wondering (duhhhh). He mentioned that he was going off to sit by a waterfall to do some work. I pondered that for a minute (bad move I know) and told the young man that I envied him and wished I could be where he was. I think it would be like a little bit of heaven here on earth to be able to see something as beautiful as a waterfall whenever you wanted to. I see this place as being very peaceful and tranquil, surrounded by lovely lush green things, water cascading down to the rocks below, mini rainbows in the spray, the sound of the water as it splashes into the pool beneath. What a lovely picture it makes in my mind, water that just moments ago had been tumbled n' tossed from the rocks above, now flowing gently from the pool to other places. Ahhhh, wouldn't it be great to be there?

Then it struck me ... why do all of us (including myself) always want what the other person has??? Why are we never satisfied with whatever it is we do have?? What drives people to think the grass is always greener on the other side??? Perhaps we only need to open our eyes and seek the beauty that surrounds us instead of wishing for what others have. If you are in doubt about what is around you just ask a child sometime, for they see everything as wonderful even a drop of water on a leaf, where we as adults see only miserable icky weather.

My wondering for today is ... be happy, look about, take a minute of your time to enjoy, you just might be surprised at what you might get in return.

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The Cat n' the Hair
For those of you that don't know I have a boy cat, which is not unusual except for his misfortune to be named Missy. As a result, Missy has made it his calling in life to pester the heck out of me at every opportunity. Case in point ... When my office is entertaining guests from up north (that means anything north of my house), I take it upon myself to "spiff" up a tad for them. That means, getting out the "black power suit", putting on makeup, and fixing my hair in a neat and tidy bunch on top of my head. Now, since I hate to fuss with my hair, I have a wiglet that I wear for these "special" occasions and I can push my own hair up, plop on the "extra" hair and we have neat, tidy, complete, no fuss, no muss hair in one minute flat.

So, one night after an exhausting day of playing hostess at work, I came home and Missy of course was waiting. He had been alone all day and just wanted me to feed him, pet him, love him and all I wanted to do was get the heck out of my clothes. So I ignored him, took off my "extra" hair, tossed it on the bed and started to change into something more comfortable. Missy, ever helpful (ya right) jumped on the bed, spied the "extra" hair just laying there and decided to investigate. I of course am busy changing my clothes and not paying attention until I hear this noise coming from the area of the bed.

I peek around the corner of the closet and spy Missy tapping my "extra" hair with his paw, I assume checking to make sure it was really really dead. So I yelled at him to quit and went back in the closet to finish changing. Well, Missy then tossed the hair to the floor and started to fling it about. So I'm back out of the closet yelling at the cat, the cat looks at me ... picks the hair up in his mouth and takes off for another part of the house like I just shot him the butt with an arrow. I of course give chase, since he has my "special" hair in his mouth. Great, just what I need ... cat spit on my "special" hair I think as I'm running off after the dumbo cat. Needless to say, after about 10 minutes of chasing Missy around the living room, over the couch, down the hallway, over the bed, to finally under the bed, I've managed to rescue my "special" hair (which now needed a good washing). As a result of all this I have NOT left it on the bed again. Now when I take it off, it goes to a safe place on the dresser. A word to the wise .... when you come home, pet the cat, feed the cat, love the cat FIRST or beware ... lol

And on that note, I'm done for today ... :-)

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Chat Wonderings
I wonder about that obnoxious a/s/l question we all hate in chat ... yes I have them all .... age (now there's an understatement), sex (like I would tell if I was/wasn't anyway). Why they don't ask a/g/l??? Aren't they really asking your "gender"??? Why don't they just guess??? They have a 50/50 chance of being right the last I knew, and why do they ask when I'm chatting as Nice_Fla_Lady??? Doesn't the "Lady" sorta give it away that I'm female??? (The word dolt here comes to mind for those that ask that "s" question). And for location, what do they think Fla stands for anyway???

I've been chatting now for quite awhile (much to my family's chagrin) and do seem to have an awfully good time. If you would care to chat to me, you can usually find me under "Regional" in a "User Room" called UK Reg's (or something like that, depending on who made the room that day). However, I have been known to go off slumming to Miami and ahem, a few other areas ... lol. I've even learned some pretty neat things ... like snog, shag, spoo, higgles, sniggles, and I've learned that you don't wanna "bonk" anyone while in the uk room, you just have NO idea what that means, and you had better be careful if you tell someone to "bugger" off in Miami, they sorta get the wrong idea what bugger means... lol I've also been very fortunate to "meet" some lovely people (way to many to name here) along with my share of the dolts (also to many to name) that seem to clutter the airwaves with comments such as "Hay Baby, wanna cyber" and my all time fav ... "any hot ladies wanna chat with the man of their dreams, press 123". I do have to wonder ... if he's sooooo dreamy n' wonderful, why is he on the net looking for a "hot lady" and what's wrong with his "real" life that he's has to romp about the net looking for a lady?? hummm.

And on that inspirational note, I'm done for today .... :-)

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