Veertie's Domain

NIEUW: De Stamboom
Een genealogie van de familie Hubers.
Hij gaat terug tot ongeveer 1780 in het Pruissische Rijk.

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My Space
Mijn MSN Space met o.a. foto's.
Bekijk mijn profiel met schoolfoto's van vroeger.
Bekijk hier mijn Hyves profiel; foto's en vrienden.

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English / Nederlands


Homepage That is where you are now.
Alle Meine Lieben Schauspielerinnen A birthday present to my friend November. These are her favourite actresses; not mine.
Commentarii De Bello Gallico Some Dutch translation from Caesars writings.
The English Verb A website of mine devoted to the English verb. This was an assignment for Webdesign.
Funny Images Images that were sent to me by mail from various people. They are supposed to be funny, but opinions can differ.
Melissa Etheridge My fanpage about the singer/songwriter Melissa Etheridge.
My CD Collection Just a list of the CDs I own. They're NOT for sale.
De Stamboom Genealogy of my ancestors.
Star Trek: Voyager My fanpage about the series Star Trek: Voyager.
De Tekstverrijker Another assignment this time for Programming. It's in Dutch again.
Verkoop A Dutch website on which my Dad offers second hand goods for sale.

Recommended sites:


Melissa Etheridge Information Network

Andrea Croonenberghs

French & Saunders

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