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Cardassian Union
Movers and shakers of the Union, past and present

Cardassia is the generalized term encompassing the territories and planets within the Cardassian Union. Its people have survived famine, military dictatorship, and the ravages of war throughout their tumultuous history. Having not only come through the crises of the past, but conquering many worlds to become a powerful empire within the Alpha Quadrant, Cardassians have risen to become the proud and self-assured race it is today.

The early beginnings of the Cardassian race, with their tradition-steeped culture, is legendary in the Alpha Quadrant. However, midway to present times, a burgeoning population outstripped what their planet homeworld could sustain, for Cardassia was resource poor, and even today relies heavily upon outside resources. The struggle for life turned violent, as millions died from famine and the remaining fought for crumbs. A new government rose to power from the chaos. The military, sickened by the weakness of their race, took over the executive powers of state, and soon began their campaign of outward expansion. They were convinced only the use of force will give order to Cardassia, and the conquering of offworld resources vital to self-preservation.

Thus the relentless expansion began. From neighboring planets within their sector, the Cardassian military took world after world with overwhelming victories. Soon, what was once a lone planet became an empire of immense proportions. The society of Cardassians were proud once again, no longer groveling for food nor fighting for survival.

But the expansion never ceased. Farther out into space the Cardassians reached, and the grasping military powers eyed Bajor with greed almost upon the first identification of the M-Class planet. A peaceful, defenseless world rich in resources, it was a prime target. In the guise of offering help and assistance to a neighboring world, the Cardassians descended on Bajor with the best of premises. However, the true motives of the Cardassians became apparent when the alien beings took control of the government and began the forty years of Occupation. Formal annexation came in 2339. As with all the other worlds conquered by Cardassia, a regional government comprising of Cardassian military officers was set up, implementing ruthless dictatorship while stripping the world of resources for use back home.

However, the Cardassians met their match in the Federation, whose fleets were more powerful than anything they had commandeered. The expansion stopped at the borders the Federation, and a Demilitarized Zone was set up between their boundaries after an uneasy truce.

In the 24th century, many events led to the final dethroning of the military Central Command, ruling power of Cardassia since the dawn of the empire. A civilian government came into being after the depose of military rule, and the empire became formally the Cardassian Union. Soon, however, the government was once again overthrown by the Dominion, whose alliance with Cardassia changed the status quo dramatically.

The present government of the Cardassian Union is now once again leaning towards authoritarian rule. With the shadow of the Dominion forever casting a pall in the political arena, the Legate is now no more than a puppet whose strings are tightly held by Dominion power.

For more of the history of the Cardassian Union and its people, see [Cardassian] Xenobiology files
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    Total Space: 21,000,000,000 LY
    Disputes: Dispute with Maquis over systems within the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone. Terminated
    Planetary Use: Agricultural 2%; Inhabited 6%; Industrial 24%; Unused/Unusable 68%


    Population: 710,924,000,000
    Species Divisions: Cardassian 58%; Other-Humanoid 36%; Other Non-Humanoid 6%
    Religion: none 13%; other 13%
    Language: Kardassi and Vorta, both official; small minorities speaking Federation Standard English
    Labor Force: 426,544,000,000


    Full name: The Cardassian Union
    Type: Protectorate
    Administrative Divisions: 79 Sectors
    Independence: 1871, formation of Cardassian Union; 2373, annexation by the Dominion
    Constitution: N/A
    Legal System: based on combination of traditional Cardassian law and Dominion law.
    Executive Branch: the Founders and a figurehead governor
    Legislative Branch: Council of Depata
    Judicial Branch: Cardassian Justice Tribunal
    Leaders: Chief of State: The Founders; Head of Government: Legate Damar
    Suffrage: none
    Defense Forces: Cardassian Militia; Jem'Hadar


    Overview: Cardassia has long suffered from a lack of natural resources, forcing them to draw from outside sources. Since the Klingon invasion prior to their alliance with the Dominion, the economy was in shambles. It is believed that the Union has strengthened its economy since then.
    Unemployment Rate: 0%
    Budget: 3.00 Trillion Credits (FY 2372); 33.2% military
    Industrial Production: growth rate +0.6% (2372)
    Industries & Agriculture: large-scale replication, starship/space-station construction, pharmaceutical and food agriculture, asteroid mining, anti-matter production, deuterium refining


    Spaceways: 26,500 LY charted spacelanes
    Spaceports: 108 Major Spaceports, 1012 Minor Spaceports, 3179 Space Stations
    Merchant Marine: 959 ships, 7811 unmanned cargo drones
    Telecommunications: 106,638,000,000 com terminals; 7156 subspace comn relays


    Almatha Sector of the Demilitarized Zone near Outpost 61. Defiant

    Arawath Colony Planet of a Cardassian colony where Enabran Tain retired. It's less than a days journey from DSN by a Federation runabout. The Wire

    Badlands Demilitarized Zone on a stretch of the Cardassian/Federation border which is plagued by plasma storms, making it quite dangerous to ships, but is the perfect camouflage for Maquis ships. The Maquis, Part I

    Bryma Colony System where a weapons depot is located. They supply Cardassian colonists in the fight against the Maquis. The Bryma system has an Oort cloud near it which can hide small ships. The Maquis, Part II

    Cardassia Planet homeworld of the Cardassian race in the Cardassian system. TNG "The Chase"

    Cardassia IV Planet where on of the prison camps in the Cardassian system is located. Homecoming

    Cardassia V Planet in the Cardassian system, home to an important Cardassian museum. Quark's cousin, Kono, stole an artifact from it. Shadowplay

    Cardassian Navigational Control Post 24 Territory that Major Kira and O'Brien bluffed their way past the guards while en route to a Cardassian prison camp in the Cardassian system. Homecoming

    Cardassia Prime Planet that served as the base for Central Command headquarters. Part of the Cardassian system. Tribunal

    Celtris III Uninhabited Cardassian planet in the Cardassian System. It was to lure Captain Jean-Luc Picard into captivity. Also, home to a species of bats called lynars. TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"

    Cuellar A star system located in Cardassian space. Location of a Cardassian science station that was destroyed by the U.S.S. Phoenix in 2367. Phoenix captain, Benjamin Maxwell, believed the station to be a military installation. In addition, it is noted that the system connects into three sectors of space and is off strategic value to the Cardassians. TNG "The Wounded"

    Fahleena Three One of the planetary stops made by the Velarians on their dolamide-shipping route to the Cardassians. Then Major Kira accused the Velarians that they were making shipments to Cardassia. Dramatis Personae

    Gallitepp Territory where a Cardassian labor camp on Bajor was based. Many atrocities were committed against the Bajoran people formerly under the command of Gul Darhe'el, also known as the "Butcher of Gallitepp." Duet

    Haru Outpost System whose Hru Outpost was raided by Kira Nerys and other Bajoran freedom fighters as part of their terrorist war against the Cardassians. Past Prologue

    Hakton VII Demilitarized Zone where three Federation settlers were killed there in retaliation for the destruction of the Bok'Nor. The Maquis, Part II

    Kelrabi System that was the destination of a Cardassian supply ship intercepted by the U.S.S. Phoenix and the Enterprise-D in 2367. In Cardassian space. TNG "The Wounded"

    Kraus IV Planet. A source of silk used by Garak. Past Prologue

    Kora Two System where the Cardassian military academy is based. Aamin Marritza resided there and worked as an instructor at the academy, teaching filing. Duet

    Lakat City City on Cardassia Prime where a amusement center is based. Dukat was going to take his son, Mikor, there for his eleventh birthday.

    Lazon II Labor Camp (System) A prison camp on Cardassia II. Tom Riker, a member of the Maquis, was sentence to spend life their when he was arrested in the Cardassian system for trespassing. Defiant

    McAllister C-5 Nebula Territory of Protostellar cloud located seven light-years inside Cardassian space, some eleven light-years from planet Minos Korva. In 2369, a Cardassian invasion fleet hid inside the nebula while apparently preparing to attack the Minos Korva sector. The fleet's time inside the nebula was limited due to the intense particle flux within, which caused degradation of the spacecraft hulls. TNG "Chain of Command, Part II"

    Mariah Four Planet that Valerian vessel Sherval Das visited when delivering dolamide, a chemical energy source, to the Cardassians. Dramatis Personae

    Minos Korva Federation planet, four light-years from the Cardassian border. During the Federation/Cardassian war of the early 2360's, the Cardassians attempted to annex the planet, but were unsuccessful. In 2369, Starfleet contingency plans placed the Enterprise-D leading a fleet to defend Minos Korva and the surrounding sector in the event of a feared Cardassian invasion. TNG "Chain of Command, Part II"

    Omeckla III Shipyards Third planet in the Orias system in Cardassian space. The planet is desolate. Defiant

    Orias System A Cardassian shipyard is located on Omeckla III in the Orias system. It's under the direct authority of the Obsidian Order. Defiant

    Pollak V Planet in Cardassian space. The planet was attacked by Bajoran terrorist. Their first strike against the Cardassians off-world. Shakaar

    Sector 21503 Sector of Federation space near the Cardassian border. The Enterprise-D conducted a mapping survey there in 2367. TNG "The Wounded"

    Sector 21505 Sector located in Cardassian space, a Cardassian science station was destroyed by the U.S.S. Phoenix. TNG "The Wounded"

    Terok Nor A Cardassian space station in orbit over Bajor. The Cardassians abandoned the station in 2369. Starfleet took command at the request of the Bajoran Provincial government and renamed it Deep Space Nine. It's under the Command of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Also, it's less than twenty hours from the Cardassian border. Emissary, Part I

    Terok Nor (Mirror Universe version) The Terok Nor of the alternate universe still orbits the planet Bajor, but the system and all its territories are under the direct command of Intendant Kira Nerys, who reports under the Cardassian/Klingon Alliance (dates back to 2267). In 2370, Dr. Bashir and Major Kira were returning from setting up a hospital for New Bajor (a newly established colony in the Gamma Quadrant) when their runabout experienced technical difficulties during the trip through the wormhole. The malfunction caused them to crossover into the "mirror universe" first encountered by officers of the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2267. Crossover

    Tormon V M-Class planet near the Cardassian border which houses several smugglers who regularly make runs into Cardassian space. In 2369, Captain Picard, Dr. Crusher, and Lieutenant Worf traveled to Tormon V to secure "discreet" transportation to planet Celtris III for a covert Starfleet mission. TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"

    Ultima Thule Planet where a Dolamide purification plant produced weapons-grade dolamide. The Velarians supplied extremely pure dolamide, processed on Ultima Thule, to the Cardassians during the occupation of planet Bajor. Dramatis Personae

    Umoth VIII A Demilitarized Zone where one of the border colonies is located. Thirty-five Federation settlers had to be hospitalized after eating from sabotaged, public food replicators. The Maquis, Part II

    Unethra System System in the Cardassian system. Enabran Tain has a safehouse located on the third planet in the Unethra system. Improbable Cause

    Velos VII Internment Camp Territory where Dr. Dekon Elig, a Bajoran, was imprisoned. He was killed there in 2360 while trying to escape from the facility. Babel

    Valo System Neutral space near the Cardassian border. Many Bajorans resettled there after the homeworld was annexed in 2340. The system contains three class-M planets.

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Cardassia Prime

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