California, San Diego

At one time thought to be the continuing work of a relocated Green River Killer, authorities now believe the slayer of ten or more San Diego, Calfiornia, prostitutes to be a seperate but equally elusive serial killer. The still-uncaught slayer appeared to begin his work in the summer of 1985 and disappeared almost exactly three years later, leaving baffled police in his wake.

Danna Gentile, 22, ws the first victim. Last seen on July 22, 1985, her nude body was discovered three days later. She had been strangled and had rocks and gravel jammed into her mouth. Next was a Jane Doe found on July 22, 1986, then Theresa Brewer was discovered dead on August 3, bound and strangled. The next April brought the nude corpse of Rosemarie Ritter, 29, and on June 22 Anne Varela was found like so many others, naked and strangled to death.

Before 1987 was over three more women were killed by the stealthy slayer, Sally Moorman, Sara Gedalicia, and Diana Moffitt. In April of 1988 another Jane Doe was located and the next month Melissa Sandoval was discovered murdered only thrity yards from the previous dump site.Sandoval had been last seen driving off with a customer eight days before.

Then the elusive strangler appears to have moved on. Two men who had been convicted of prostitute killings in the San Diego area during 1988 have been considered suspects in the series but are both incarcerated and were never linked with any of the other killings. Also, a one-time suspect, now deceased, has been the subject of much speculation. The San Diego serial murders are considered unsolved.