John Eric Armstrong
Joe Ball
Cesar Barone
Martha Beck
Marie Alexandrine Becker By Queenie
David Berkowitz
Paul Bernardo
Kenneth Bianchi
Arthur Bishop
Lawrence Bittaker
William Bonin
Vladimir Bratislav By Queenie
David Owen Brooks
Jerry Brudos
Ted Bundy
Vernon Butts
Angelo Buono
Harvey Carignan
David Carpenter
Richard Trenton Chase
Andrei Chikatilo
John Christie
Douglas Clark
Nathaniel Code, Jr.
Alton Coleman
Carroll Cole
John Norman Collins
Daniel Conahan
Anthony Cook
Nathaniel Cook
Ray Copeland
Dean Allen Corll
Juan Corona
Richard Cottingham
Jeff Dahmer
Charlie Davis
Karl Denke
Gilles De Rais
Albert De Salvo
Robert Diaz
Nannie Doss
Herman Drenth
Peter Dupas
Nikolai Dzhumagaliev
Mack Ray Edwards
Donald Leroy Evans
Richard Evonitz
Raymond Fernandez
Albert Fish
Kendall Francois
Joseph Paul Franklin
John Wayne Gacy
Gerald Gallego
Carlton Gary
Pee Wee Gaskins
Robin Gecht
Ed Gein
Guy Georges
Harvey Glatman
Billy Gohl
Gwendolyn Graham
Harrison Graham
Marvin Gray
Vaughan Greenwood
Douglas Gretzler
John George Haigh
Saeed Hanaei
William Hance
Robert Hansen
Donald Harvey
Charles Hatcher
Gary Heidnik
William Heirens
Elmer Wayne Henley
Johann Hoch
H.H. Holmes
Keith Hunter Jesperson
Genene Jones
Patrick Wayne Kearney
Arohn Kee
Edmund Kemper
Bela Kiss By Queenie
Paul John Knowles
"The Kobe Killer"
Andrew Kokoraleis
Tommy Kokoraleis
Vasili Komaroff
Ali Kordiyeh
Randy Kraft
Peter Kurten
Leonard Lake
Donald Lang By Aimee Massey
Gerald Patrick Lewis
Bobby Joe Long
Pedro Lopez
Henry Lee Lucas
Bruno Ludke
Cedric Maake
Kenneth McDuff By Aimee Massey
Joe Metheny
Gennadiy Mikasevich By Queenie
Ivan Milat
Frederick Mors
Herb Mullin
Wayne Nance
Earle Nelson
Charles Ng
Dennis Nilsen By Queenie
Robert Nixon
Roy Norris
Gordon Northcott
Clifford Olsen
Anatoli Onoprienko By Queenie
Carl Panzram
Jesse Pomeroy
Cleophus Prince, Jr.
Dorothea Montalvo Puenta
Richard Ramirez
Danny Ranes
Larry Ranes
Todd Alan Reed
Melvin Rees
Angel Maturino Resendiz
Monte Rissell
Dayton Leroy Rogers
Danny Rolling
Michael Ross
Mark Rowntree By Queenie
Helmuth Schmidt
Tommy Lynn Sells
Arthur Shawcross
Dr. Harold Shipman By Queenie
Samuel Sidyno
Joseph Smith
Arnold Sodeman
Timothy Spencer
Edward Spreitzer
Lucian Staniak
Cary Stayner
William Steelman
Peter Sutcliffe By Queenie
Ludwig Tessnow
Ottis Toole
Maury Travis
Jack Unterweger
Coral Eugene Watts
Wayne Williams
Randy Woodfield
Aileen Wuornos
Yang Xinhai
Robert Lee Yates
Huang Yong
Graham Young By Queenie
Joe Clark
Kelli Moye
California; The Original Night Stalker
California, Los Angeles; The Southside Slayer
California, Northern
California, San Diego
California, Sonoma County
California, Vallejo; The Zodiac
Canada, Highway 16, British Columbia
Colorado, Denver
England, London; Jack The Ripper
England, London; Jack The Stripper
Georgia, Atlanta; Jack The Ripper
Georgia, Atlanta; Lovers Lane Murders
Louisiana, New Orleans; The Axeman of New Orleans
Louisiana & Texas; Ax Murders
Massachusetts, Marlborough and Hudson
Massachusetts, New Bedford; Highway Killer
Mexico, Ciudad Juarez
Michigan, Ann Arbor; Hospital Murders
Michigan, Oakland County; The Babysitter
New York, Rochester; The Alphabet Murders
Ohio, Cumminsville
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City; The State Fair Murders
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; The Frankford Slasher
Portugal, Lisbon: The Lisbon Ripper
Prince Georges County, Maryland, & Washington D.C.
Scotland, Glasgow; Bible John
South Africa, Atteridgeville; The Atteridgeville Mutilator
South Africa, Atteridgeville; Ironman
Texas, Austin; The Servant Girl Annihilator
Texas, I-45
Texas/Arkansas, Texarkana; The Moonlight Murderer
Vermont and New Hampshire; The Valley Killer
"Big deal, death comes with the territory. See you in Disneyland."
Richard Ramirez after receiving the death sentence
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Write me at...