Unnamed Man: "The Kobe Killer"

The entire nation of Japan was outraged when on May 24, 1997, and eleven-year-old boy named Jun Hase was found murdered in the city of Kobe. The little boy's head was found on the sidewalk outside of a school with a written note stuffed in his mouth, reportedly referencing the California serial murderer called "Zodiac". The Kobe Shimbun newspaper soon received a letter claiming responsiblity for Hase's slaying. The writer identified himself as Seito Sakakibara, a fictitious name, and promised that, "it's the beginning of the game."

In fact the game has already begun. In March the same perpetrator had bludgeoned to death a ten-year-old girl named Ayaka Yamashita. He had also launched at least three unsuccessful attacks on young girls in February and March. Whether Japanese authorities realized it or not they had a serial slayer on their hands.

When an arrest was made in the two homicides and the assaults the public and the police were shocked that the perpetrator was a fourteen-year-old boy. In Japan at that time a person under the age of sixteen could not be charged as an adult and could not be identified publicly. Instead, the boy who would become know simply as "The Kobe Killer" was sentenced to a youth reformatory for treatment. In 2003 he was judged to be "cured" of his sexual sadism and compulsion to kill.

The Kobe Killer was released on parole on March 10, 2004, and located in a different portion of the country. The Japanese government did make a pair of unusual considerations due to the extreme nature of his crimes. His release was announced to the public and the victim's families would be periodically notified of his whereabouts.

The Kobe Killer's supervised parole lasted only until December 31, 2004. It was reported that soon after he was no longer required to report to his parole officer he moved twice in quick succession and then disappeared. Even his father, who he is still close to, claims he has not heard from his son since last year and says he does not know where his son is living. With his identity sealed by the courts The Kobe Killer could be anywhere, perhaps waiting to strike again.