Joseph Smith

Born on January 15, 1945, in Evanston, Illinois, Joseph Smith would emerge as a sociopathic killer of prostitutes by the late 1970's. Sadly for his later victims, he was imprisoned for murder at one point but released to kill at least four more women.

The first two proven victims were Martha Kowalski and Ann Maxham, both Chicago area street-walkers. Maxham was discovered slain near Wauconda in 1976 and Kowalski was found dumped along the road in Skokie the following year. Smith was arrested and convicted in both slayings and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Due to good behavior, however, he earned his release in 1993 and relocated south to Peoria where he soon picked up where he had left off.

The summer and fall of 1993 saw Smith murder three Peoria prostitutes, Marcia Logue, Helen Dorrance, and Sandra Csesznegi. Typically Miller picked up a victim, the more strung-out the better, and keep her captive for a period of time if possible. When he had his prey under control he would rape and murder the woman while taking photo's of his exploits.

Arrested for the three Peoria murders Smith was sentenced to death in each case. The five-time killer had a suprise for investigators: the confession to a sixth homicide. Smith's directions led detectives to the partially buried body of 88-year-old Bernice Fagotte. Smith killed her after she hired him to do some yard work. In 1995 he plead guilty to Fagott's murder in exchange for a life sentence.

Smith is also suspected of several more homicides in Chicago and Peoria and has made some rather hazy confessions that have yet to be verified. He also caught a break when now former Illinois Governor George Ryan commuted all Illinois death sentences to life inprisonment in 2003.