~Story Synopsis~

   Well....the overall setting of the story begins in the year 12,090a.d. It is about 10,000 years after the great war that distroyed most of our modern civilization. At this time...most of Earth has fallen into a corrupt feudal system....and humans have fallen into fear for the ruthless vampires who seem to rule. These vampires are known as "noblemen" and are the higher force in the story.

   Anyway...the story begins with Doris Lang (Doris Rumm in other versions). It is to Doris's misfortune that she catches the attention of Count Magnus Lee....the ruling vampire in the land. Poor Doris is bitten by Count Lee...invoking the supposed "curse" of the vampire.
   This is when D comes in. Doris pleads to D.....offering herself to him....in return for riding her of the curse. In other words...to kill Count Lee. D excepts the offer. Before D can make it to the castle of Count Lee....Ramika and Reigansei show up. Ramika is disgusted with her father's idea to fall in love with a "common" human girl. To protect the nobility of her family...Ramika wants to destroy Doris. However...neither Reigansei or Ramika are able to defeat D. It is then found out that D is a dhampire (again...half-vampire, half-human).
   So....D journeys to the castle...in hopes to kill Count Lee. However...D is captured and held prisoner by the Counts grusome creatures. This gives oppotunity to Reigansei to capture Doris and bring her to Count Lee.
   D in the meantime....is able to escape the hold of the creatures (by putting on his "party face"), and is able to rescue Doris.
   Reigansei...having failed to kill D....hides out in the local town. He is given a second chance to prove himself....and is given a magical candle which paralyses anybody with vampires blood when they look at it's light. With this...he is able to paralyse D long enough to stab him with a stake (you know...the original way to kill a vamp). It seems that D is dead....but thanks to some quick work by D's symbiot hand...he is able to come back.

    Have I sparked enough interest in you, yet? I don't want to give away the whole story. You want to the entire story.....you'll have to buy the movie.

Here's another picture, though.

My favorite guy

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