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Came to Port Phillip in 1840
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arrived 24 June 1840 ship, Thomas New, Commander, from England 28 Feb 1840 to Port Phillip [assisted emigrant passengers] Fiche 9, page 136 Have 7 fiche pages, Images b45-53,
The Andromache, a 468 ton Barque owned by John Marshall, carried 22 passengers, 210 steerage passengers, merchandise and Port of Origin cargo. (Victorian Shipping Arrivals and Departures. Syme).

24 June arrival with passengers, Cabin TM Marshall, wife, Misses Mary and Sarah, and Master Foster, Mr and Mrs Ryder, Mr with Miss Sophia and Miss Frances Usher, Messrs Brodie, Deeves, Earle, Hardy, not in paper, on passenger list - Francis and J M Fisher,
Intermediate - Elizabeth and Maria Creswick, Charles and Henry Creswick, Mr and Mrs Middleton,

Page 127 - Bounty passengers, supervised by Doctor George Harvey, recorded as 93 souls in 32 families, 60 single females and 43 single men, total 196 passengers plus paying passengers - Cabin 16, Intermediate 6 and 13 Steerage with 1 death at Plymouth - Mrs Rebecca Usher. Includes Eliza Strickland aged 14 not eligible for Bounty.
Bounty was paid for those eligible who landed in Sydney instead of in Melbourne.

- For more details and list see my Andromache page.

ShipCouplesParentsDau-15Dau-7Dau+1Infantsson+1 sons-7sons-14 FamiliesFemalesMen


Andromache16156185117 0936043196


Cabin17Inter6Steer5 Staff2Total37Diedu


arrived 15 Dec 1840 barque 211 tons, Captain Thomas Simpson, from Leith left on 22 June 1840 with merchandise. List from image Scotland 110
Cabin passengers Dr John Gillespie, and Steerage James Bell, John Cameron, James Chapman, W Duff and W Wight

Anne came with Dr Gillespie, and 5 men in Steerage


arrived 9 May 1840, barque, 338 toms, Captain Hedges, from London via Launceston 3 May,
Passengers Mrs Hedges and 2 chn, Mrs Andrews and 3 chn, Mr Bakewell, Miss Davenport, Captain Delaney, Lieut Doveton Major Mainwarring, Mr Ravenshaw, Mrs Roberts and 2 chn, Mr Sayers,
Steerage Susannah Carslen, Mary Derwent, Mr Gringer, A Lindsay,

Arab came with 3 families, 3 women and 8 men

Branken Moor

arrived 17 March 1840, barque, 571 tons, Capt David Smith commander, from London 4 Sep 1839 via Adelaide 4 Feb 1840
Port Phillip Herald, - Among the passengers are Captain Howey, a brother of the late H Howey, Esq, and Mrs Batman, widow of Mr Batman, the first colonist of Port Phillip.

Cabin passengers - from London Rev Gregory and Mrs Bateman a clergyman of the Church of England,
Captain and Mrs Howey and child, Mrs Batman, Mr LH Carter and Thomas Raisbuck.

From Adelaide Messrs Lewis Smith, PS Todd and R Sellyman, Intermediate S Messman, Peter Johnson and Thomas Foster. Steerage Mr and Mrs Craig

See Di Cummings page Branken Moor for list of arrivals in Adelaide.

Branken Moor came with 2 families, 1 widow and 2 men
8 came from Adelaide


arrived 8 Feb 1840, Master Williams, from London and Plymouth, reached Adelaide on 17 Dec 1839.

Passengers Mr and Mrs Akins/Atkins, Miss Akins, Mr and Mrs Roberts, Mr and Mrs Wright, Mary Young, Messrs Atkin, Darnell, Sayers, Smeathman, Trevalton, Wersley.

The Port Phillip Herald for Tuesday, February 11, 1840 reports news of Adelaide - arrival there of cattle driven by Mr Huon, and by E and W Howe of Glenlee, also death of Samuel Stephens who fell off his horse on 18 Jan - original manager of the South Australian Company, brother of Mr E Stephens the Cashier of the South Australian Company's Bank, son of the Wesleyan clergyman, Rev J Stephens of Brixton-Hill, near London.
Reported in Sydney 25 Sep - From Port Phillip arrived yesterday, having left the 13th Sep, Captain Rogers with sundries, Passengers Mr Overhand and Mr Burton

See visit to Adelaide of Caroline recorded by Di Cummings.

Caroline came with 3 families, 1 woman and 5 men


arrived 2 May 1840 at Port Phillip from London via Plymouth 27 Nov 1839 and Cape of Good Hope, 620 tons, Alexander Robertson, commander, the voyage taking approximately six months. Images b38-44, Do not have Vic records. Bounty of 18 pounds per adult, 15 for Charles Tugday aged 17, 10 for each brother aged 13 and 10, 5 for Mary Ann Harding aged 4, suggesting parents paid for food for the other 7 children inchuding Rosalena Tugday 6 and Elizabeth Harding aged 2.
David Stolworthy Esq Surgeon Superintendent. Passengers Cabin - Rev John Vaughan, Mr and Lady Dawson, Mr and Mrs Kirby, Miss Mary Kirby, (Mr Kirby junior and six brothers and sisters travelled Intermediate), Mr and Mrs Selby
Messrs John Grainger junior, Richard Harnett/Harriet, Thomas Mcnab/Macnab, William Macnab, Alfred Meyrick, HH Meyrick, Patrick Mitchell, James Neate,
Intermediate Mr and Mrs Dawson, Mr and Mrs Mansergh/Mansago, Mr and Mrs Rolleston, Miss Susan Templeton, Mr Quinan, Mr Christie, Mr Cummins, Mr Kirby junior and six brothers and sisters.
Steerage 219 - John Dickins acted as the ship's butcher during the journey.

Cleared 23 May for Sydney in ballast, ship, 658 tons, Robertson master, Passengers (from England) Dr Stolworthy, Rev Mr Vaughan, Messrs Grainger and Harriet/Harnett, (from Port Phillip) - Mr Allanton, Mr Balcombe, Mr Graham, Mr Kerwell, Mr Ravenshaw Mr Schewell, and 31 in steerage

For more details and list see my China page.

ShipCouplesParentsDau+15 Dau+7Dau+1Infantsson+1 sons+7sons+14Familiesfemalesmen


China237015501 3735225150


Cabin18Inter17Steer10 Staff2Others29Total76


arrived 9 Nov 1840, barque, 514 tons, Capt Bennett, left Liverpool 29 June, Image 235.
Cabin passengers Mr and Mrs Miller, Miss Crockett, Mr and Miss Beswick, Messrs Hutchinson, McKenzie, Atkinson, Lea, Lee, Maud, McAuley, McKenzie and Dr Proud, Surgeon. Steerage 14
Departed 12 Jan 1841 for Sydney with part of original cargo.

Clydesdale came with 1 couple, 2 women and 9 men
And 14 in the Steerage


arrived Mon 24 Feb 1840 from Liverpool 21 Oct 1839, barque, 275 tons, Captain Wakeham. Image 230.
Passengers, Cabin - Mr and Mrs Jones, Messrs Vaughan, James Hay, Curr/Caw, Henry Hassell, Mr Porter,
Intermediate Mr and Mrs Howe and 4 chn, Messrs Ougan, Pinsout, Greenlies, Arthur Kemmis & Co Agents
21 Mar 1840 departed for Sydney with part of original cargo

Columbian came with 2 families, and 8 men


arrived 10 July 1840, ship, 650 tons, Captain William Lobbin/Loader master, from London 4 Jan and Plymouth 10 Jan 1840 to reach Port Phillip. The three-masted, ship Coromandel was built in 1834 in Canada. The Rootsweb account of arrival in New Zealand reports Emigrants embarked from St Katherine's Docks 9th Dec 1839 at 4 o'clock
(New South Wales State Records Port Phillip Arrivals Index 1839-51, Reel 2143A.) Have Vic list as 10 fiche pages, has families including children, but hard to read. NSW Images 54-57, only list adults, missed page families number 13-30, Vic list 49-88
Apart from the unknown persons who disembarked at Sydney, there were 44 passengers who paid to go to New Zealand, as well as 34 Cabin, 10 Intermediate and 24 Steerage passengers - - 35 males, 18 females and 13 children - who planned to stop in Port Phillip, together with 190 as Bounty passengers.
Bounty 190 people - 34 families with 95 souls, 1249 pounds, 30 single men, 540 pounds, 46 single women 828 pounds. Extra list of 19 people who were put on a special list, bounty later approved.

34 Passengers Cabin Captain Carmichael, Miss Jane Devereux, Captain A and Mrs Grant, Mr J Hay, Miss Hay and Isabella Hay, Dr John Meyers with wife and infant, Mr Charles Miles, Mr Hy Porter 20, Dr Forster Shaw with wife Ellen (dau of StL Webb) and infant dau Eliza. Major Frederick Berke StJohn with wife and son and dau, Major St Laurence Webb (45th regiment), Miss Caroline Webb, Master St Laurence Webb 16, George Webb 14, William Webb 11 and Richard Webb 7, Mr Wheeler and Hy Wheeler, Dr WB Wilmot with wife and Julia 6, Maria 5, Emily 4, Fanny 2 amd William 1,
10 Intermediate - Miss Harrick/Warrick, Miss Mary Britton/Breton, Mr Christie, Mr Ed Dunn, Mr H Eatwood, Mr Chas Ettershaw, Mr Higinbotham, Mr Mumford, Mr Alfd Smith, Mr P E Turner,
15 male and 7 female Steerage Passengers William Bertram, Mr John Boston, James Burrick, Robert Cadden and Grace Cadden, Revd Wm Comrie, Thomas Griffiths, Mr Hoy and wife, Margaret Johnston with William 16, Jane 8 and Robert Brown 3, Dennis Nihill, Henry Walker with Mary and Edward 3, Anne Webb with Eliza Jane 4 and George 2, William Willoughby, George Willsmore,

steerage 210 - For more details and list see my Coromandel page.

ShipCouplesParentsDau+15 Dau+7Dau+1Infantsson+1 sons+7sons+14Familiesfemalesmen


Coromandel1915138673 1924830170


Cabin34Inter10Steer23 StaffunTo Sydney21Total88
67 Paying passengers - 35 males, 18 females, 13 chn. Cabin 34 - 12m 9f 13chn, Intermediate 10 - 8m 2f, Steerage 24 - 12m, 6f, 6chn.

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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847