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They came by ship - British Immigrants who arrived 1842

from 'Somerset Years', In 1842 the Great Western Railway opened to Taunton, providing a journey of six hours from Paddington. Passengers wishing to join a vessel at Plymouth could travel by mail coach from Taunton to Exeter, taking 3 hours, and then from Exeter to Plymouth, taking another four hours.

Passenger lists - NSW lists as families or singles, Victoria has age of individual, or C=child, A=Adult.

Newspaper 'Melbourne Times began Volume 1, Number 1 on 9 April, 1842.
The PaperofRecord has Port Phillip Herald beginning 1840, omits issues for Nov 1842


- Sarah 1 Jan, Samuel Boddington 13 Jan, Statesman 22 Jan, Robert Benn 26 Jan, Arkwright 30 Jan 1842


- Martin Luther 9 Feb, William Nicholl 9 Feb 1842, Emancipation 10 Feb, Andromache 13 Feb, Sultan 13 Feb, Manlius ship 14 Feb, Thetis 17 Feb, Regulus 19 Feb, Welcome 25 Feb, Himalaya 26 Feb 1842


- Two Sisters 5 Apr, Ben Nevis 11 Apr, Timbo 17 Apr 1842


- Hopkinson 2 May, Corsair 18 May 1842


- Seppings 1 June Earl of Durham June 18


- Wanderer 18 Jul, Jane Christie 22 July, Platina 22 July 1842


- Westbrook 4 Aug, Belle Creole 13 Aug, Caledonia 13 Aug, Lady Fitzherbert 23 Aug 1842


- Duke of Richmond 3 Sep, Thomas Lord 23 Sept, Ocean 27 Sep, Tuscan 28 Sep, Aden 30 Sep


- Ellen 7 Nov 1842


- Sarah 2 Dec, Mary Mitchieson 4 Dec, Posthumous 9 Dec, Britannia 10 Dec, Agenoria 13 Dec, Dublin 13 Dec, Glenswilly 13 Dec 1482 Swea 18 Dec, Thomas Hughes 25 Dec 1842
Aden 30 Sep, Agenoria 13 Dec, Andromache 13 Feb, Arkwright 30 Jan, Belle Creole 13 Aug, Benares, Ben Nevis 11 Apr, Britannia 10 Dec, Caledonia 13 Aug, Corsair 18 May, Dublin 13 Dec, Duke of Richmond 3 Sep, Earl of Durham 18 June, Ellen 7 Nov, Emancipation 10 Feb, Glenswilly 13 Dec 1482 Himalaya 26 Feb, Hopkinson 2 May, Jane Christie 22 July, Lady Fitzherbert 23 Aug, Manlius 14 feb, Martin Luther 9 Feb, Mary Mitchieson 4 Dec, Ocean 27 Sep, Platina 22 July, image 250 .. Posthumous 9 Dec, Regulus 19 Feb, Robert Benn 26 Jan, Samuel Boddington 13 Jan, Sarah 1 Jan, Sarah 2 Dec, Seppings 1 Jun, Statesman 22 Jan, Sultan 13 Feb, Swea 18 Dec, Thetis 17 Feb, Thomas Hughes 25 Dec, Thomas Lord 23 Sept, Timbo 17 Apr, Tuscan 28 Sep, Two Sisters 5 Apr, Wanderer 18 Jul, Welcome 25 Feb, Westbrook 4 Aug, William Nicholl 9 Feb,

Arrivals in 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,
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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847