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Copyright © 2006-
Victorian Fancy Rat and Mouse Club

Rats are intelligent, affectionate and entertaining, are easy to care for with simple requirements of Clean bedding, Toys, Fresh Food and Water.
They are fairly inexpensive to buy depending on the type of rats you are looking for.
Costs can be anything from $10 for a standard rat to $80 for the more special rats such as Manx.
Rats are fairly odourless with regular cage cleaning, and they will groom themselves many times a day just like a cat!

They will become attached to you just like any domesticated animal
They can be as loving as any dog or cat and are just as smart. It is preferable to keep 2 rats of the same sex together so that they can keep each other company and entertainec when you are not there.
There is a myth that rats are just like mice in regards to not putting two males together but that isnt right as male rats can get along together in in groups of 10 or more.
Rats being quiet, small, loving and smart make great pets as they dont need as much space as some other pets and you do with a rat most things that you can do with other pets.

Pet rats are suitable for just about anyone of any age.

The "Fancy Rat" hobby began around the 17th century and while there are a range of colours, markings and coat types available, the range is not as extensive as mice. We also do not have some rat varieties of coat, colour and markings here in Australia that they have overseas.

Purchasing a Rat

Firstly decide if you wish to get a 6 to 8 week old bouncy baby or if you would like to take in an older rescue rats. Most rescues are loving rats that need to be rehomed due to someone no longer having the time to care for the rat the way it should be or because they are moving or for some other simple reason. Its hardly ever because there is anything wrong with the rat itself.
Once you have decided between baby or older you then need to consider the rats needs and if you are able to meet those needs.

Males grow bigger than Females but Females are more active, both make excellent pets, although remember to get either 2 males or 2 females and not one of each.

It is better to buy your rats from a Rattery, although the prices may be more than at the pet shop, you do get a better experience. As rats from Ratteries are normally well socialized with both people and other rats and therefore are normally more relaxed, quiet and friendly when handled for the first time by new people.

Also you are able most times to see both parents and most Ratteries supply you with a Pedigree Certificate and/or Birth Certificate, as well as sometimes they will supply you with a small bag of dry food to take home. So the extra money is well spent when you buy from a Rattery. You will also find that Ratteries sell rat types that are not often found in pet shops.

If you choose to take in an older rescue rat, you will find that it can be just as wonderful having an older rat. Most rescues are given up just for the fact that their original owner is moving, or has become sick, or just doesnt have the time to look after the rat anymore.
Some Ratteries may also have older rats available which are from litters they have had but the reservations for that rat fell through for some reason and then they couldnt find anyone to take the rat due to either its age or to no one looking for that coat type, marking or colour at the time.

So it is worth thinking about taking in an older rat.
Why A Rat?
Vic Fancy Rat and Mouse Club