It's a dirty job, but SOMEONE'S got to do it. This is the ever-popular, all-knowing, don't pilfer our crap, old fashion disclaimer. Though we threw the site together rather quickly after watching a kick-ass rat movie, we worked hard on it later on... like a couple slaves... good old fashion slaves... IN anycase, we drew the pictures ourselves as well as write the various things/stuff put on this site. Other pictures are part of our personal collection, so should you take our stuff? To quote Pete on White City~ Not bloody likely! HOWEVER we do not own ANY rights to the Who/Who related things. We ALSO do not own the rights to any guitars you may see here on this site... come now, really. If you REALLY MUST have a picture (whether drawn by me or Saren) give us an e mail, drop us a line. We'll hear you out... we don't make promises though. SO enjoy your stay here at Odds & Sods- Another Valuable Who Site...
~THE ALL POWERFUL WORKER, Jena... powerful? No... Worker? Unfortunately yes...

Roger- "HOMER! A lot of these are Grand Funk Railroad songs!"
John- "...And we don't know PacMan Fever..."   
Another note: You might read stuff here on Odds & Sods that you might find cruel and unusual reguarding our favorite band. Rest assured we are merely poking fun. We love the Who! Lest we dedicate an entire website to them. Our humor is merely dark, though you might find it harsh... some of it may be. This is just a reminder to mind our humor. It's all us! It's all us! ~Thank you.
Absolutely NOTHING protects this site!!!!! John is willing to MURDER... So am I...
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