screenname: Trixcat

Citizenship: Canadian! (like you havent figured that out already)

Hair: light brown/dirty blonde

eyes: brownish-green

Height: 5'1

weight: 92 pounds. I have to gain weight!

likes: t.v, cats, costuming, online quizes, the smell of freshly cut grass, chocolate, candy,
my dog (guinness) the mall, crappy 80's music, regular music, my computer, my basement in the summer, colourful things, pretty things, big couches, christmas, my birthday, last day of school, being complimented, my online journal, looking pretty after spending an hour in the bathroom, sleeping in, books with pictures, comics ( fox trot, calvin and hobbes, etc)my family when they are being nice to me, late night shows (Jay lenno, connan o'brien, wow I can't spell) movies, lilo and stitch (the cutest movie ever!) the tank top I'm wearing right now, buying new clothes, do I have enough yet? finnishing something, starting something, singing really loudly and annoyingly along with songs, my math class (I don't do work, but I play with the chairs that are padded and have wheels and talk and being able to do what i want because my teacher doesn't care), ummm.. I will have to come up with some more later.

dislikes: geocities, crappy music, the news on t.v, when a stupid sports game goes over my favorite show,  my family when they are being MEAN! (my sister dumped a cup of water on my head this moring to wake me up) bugs (icky ^_~) things that take a long time, traffic, dead things, stinky things, people who think they are tough and bad but they are really just stupid and nobody likes them, the phone (it rings constantly!)  my scanner (loud) the garbage can, when I have to clean the yard up after my dog (poop!) lumpy matresses, bad news, mean people, the colour orange, when i dent my wall (oops) Gus the theater cat, long boring books, pointless e-mails, clingy people, forewords, when I have to be serious, tests, school, my fingernails, my hair, waking up early, having a stuffy nose (like right NOW!) when I forget things, this could go on, and on, and on, really cold weather, when your boogers freeze (ha ha, that reminds me of Calvin and hobbes) superman (batman is better) when I'm not right, deadlines, when things blow up(even though it can be funny at the same time), smoke, arrogant people, my english teacher, and mushrooms.

Cats: my dad showed it to me when it was on PBS. then after that, I rented the movie, then bought it, etc. It came to my city when I was one years old, so my family didn'nt take me but they went. but my parents did buy the tape first so we could hear it before (well THEY) went.  then it came back here prolly in about 98 but I was away on vacation when it was here.  so I saw it in Montreal one day, then the next day me and my mom were bored and she said "do you wanna see if we can get tickets for tonight?" so of course I said yes. then it came here and I saw it yesterday, and I'm going in costume on sunday.