Now this is the boring part of the costume. and the most annoying one to. unless you are a rich costume maker that has one hundred thousand dollars to blow. hee hee I want that! but its stuff thats important so here it is...

you can get one from Ny dancwear  for $28. the is the cheapest that I have seen them go for. thats for a child size though. I am guessing that an adult one would be either the same price or a few dollars more. I would recomend getting one from there.

Yarn:  this would only be the cost of old nylons(free!) and some yarn. yarn is cheap. only usually 80 cents to $3.
Rubies-$20. this does take lots of altering though.
Japanese Beast: $40. this takes even more altering for a higher price.
Yak Hair: $130-$200. lots of money. eek!

Real dog collar: $8 to $15, depending on the quality.
Home made: about $5

Store Bought: $8
Home made: depends on how much material you buy. but it might be cheaper. (not might.)

Gloves- $10 to $15

Chenille: about $10
yarn: a few dollars