Jazz Shoes

Jazz shoes can be found online (ebay, dance stores, etc) or in any dance place where you live. I like wearing these the best since they are comfortable, and if your walking around outside, you don't have to worry about ruining them. these are also very easy to get and when you get them, all you have to do is colour them. A good idea is to wear them around the house a bit to get them broken in a bit. they look better when they are a bit worn with smudes and creases. I have found that its hard to find them in white, but if you search around online, you will be able to find them quite easily. the best kind to get is the split sole ones. you can get them without laces (like the picture..... just picture those in white or black :D ) the real satge shoes don't have laces. these are harder to find in stores, but can be easily found online.

Ballet Shoes

once again, you should get these with the split sole if you can find them. now, since these wont cover your feet totally, you will have to do some altering. the best way is buy some broad (thick) elastic and sew it on to the open part. this will make it fit your feet  better. I couldn't find any while making my cetty shoes, but I used some white felt and that worked quite well.

Canvis shoes.

these work if your budget is tight, you can't find any type of jazz shoe, or if find them more comfortable. (even though I think that my jazz shoes are the most comfortable things ever. except when my streatch teacher is around and kills me. what? that class HURTS!) these take colour very well, and are good if you have to walk ln for a long time. but, I wouldn't suggest getting these, since they don't really look too authentic, but thats just my opinnion. many people have made succesful costumes with these. you can find them pretty much in any shoe store, or place like wal mart or zellers or something.

Gymnastic Shoes

These work very well too. and I even found them in white *looks all proud* I found these on the new york dance site. they take colour pretty well, and I imagine their comfotable. you won't have to alter these at all, just maybe put some snaps on like I'm about to meantion in the tips section :)


If you put some snaps on the back and front (not very front! just at the top of your foot) and also on the bottoms of your leg warmers, you can just snap them together and they will stay in place. you can also use velcrow. (I havn't ried it yet, but I have herd it works well.  another good tip is that you can wear socks (idea made by Marzi) over your jazz shoes and colour those instead and you won't wreak your shoes. it also can provide some warmth and protection if you are trick or treating.
see? split sole! hee hee.... i think i need some more chocolate