Oct ? 03: haha, i have no idea what day it is. i put up some sillabub pictures in the My Costumes section. yay!

July 22 03: put some pictures up and added a little information in the shoes section. not too interesting, but it still qaulifies as an update =D

Mar, 7 03: I linked the picturs of Tigor in the finished costumes section. I must have forgotten before *hids from the axe welding tigor* lol.

Feb. 24 03: I'm still alive, I swear! I put up some unitard patterns, and you can get there by going to the unitard page. (unitard. thats a funny word)

Dec. 22 02: put up make up charts! not to many yet, but the page is a work in progress.

Dec. 15 02: put up a picture in the "for sale section" well, acuallytwo. (can'tthink on 3 hours of sleep) not a major update, but christmas vacation is commingup, so I will do more them. *yawns*