Store bought Warmers:
well, Not much explaining to do here. just jump in a car and pick up some warmers. I would suggest that you buy white warmers, or just the lightest  colour that is on your warmers. make sure to buy them much longer than you need them so you can scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. Scrunching them will make thhem look more realistic. you can color these with fabric markers, floral spray, etc
Faux Fur Warmers:
for this meathod, you should go down to a fabric store and buy some fuzzy fabric. once again, they should be in either white or the lightest color of your warmers. all you really need to do is cut out a rectangle of fabric and sew it into a tube. if you want, you can sew in some elastic to keep them up, or sew on some snaps which is always fun (well, not really. it just helps keep them in place). but simpler than elastic.  these are Mistos warmers from the 5th tour.
Knit Warmers:
I like this one, and I would recomend this meathod. Now, don't panic if you don't know how to knit. Heck, the only way that I know, because I took fashion in school this year and they tought us. But if you don't know how to, and you don't want to take home ec, or a knitting class, I am sure that you have a parent or relative that can teach you.  if not, you could prolly ask someone online. or just go to the
CATS Costume Discussion Board and ask someone there. and if you don't want to do that, e-mail me at and I could knit some for you. just be prepared that they take a while to knit but, after explaining all of that, there is someway that you could get some knit warmers. These are Munkus warmers, and I have no idea who the actor or the production is. (I'm guessing london, tho)
Admetus: light brown and dark brown

Alonzo: arm- black and white
             leg- one black one white

Asparagus: just the regular- bown and some white, but yah, mainly brown

Busstopher Jones: arm- none
                               leg- he has white spats (one, too, three, "awwwww")

Bombaluina: leg- hers are wierd. hers warmers only go halfway up her calf. they are NOT scruncheed, but they are black with a large black grey on the middle. in some productions, her warmers are all black with white diamond shapes, or just white blobs are over them.

Cassandra: she has no warmers what so ever

Coricopat: now arm warmers, but his leg warmers are black and white

Demeter: no arm warmers, her leg warmers are white, grey, black, and yellow

Electra:no left arm warmer and the other 3 are black, white, grey, redish brown, and brown

Etcetera: white, cream, grey, yellow, black, brown, dark brown

Exotica: none

Grizzabella: she has silver tights. one is up and the other has fallen down.

Gus: none

Jellylorum: she only has leg warmers. those are mainly white with some brown and yellow

Jemima: her leg warmers areblack and white.

Jennyanydots:1) boots and mits
                       2) none
                       3) one warmer on the right hand, one on both feet. white, brown, yellow, orange, grey

Macavity: he doesn't have any, but have you ever wonderd how they get those things all over his uni?

Mistoffelees: none

Mungojerrie: black, brown, white, and yellow, and orange

Munkustrap arm: grey with black stipes. and you now how he has little finger mits? they glued yarn on to them. wierd
                    leg: back. thats all they are. they go past his knees

Old Deuteronomy: none. just a shaggy, shaggy coat

Plato: a little black, brown, and white, grey, noticing a pattern?

Pouncival: various browns, black, and white

Quaxo:arm: one black one white
            leg:  white some thin black stripe peices

Rumpleteazer: arm: white base color, with some little yellow, orange and brown stripes.
                        leg: same thing pretty much. they go up to her knees, not past
                        song arm: gloves
                        song leg: she has black warmers over her other wierd things (what are they called?) in some productions.

Rumpas Cat: none

Rum Tum Tugger: just has biker gloves

Skimbeshanks: cream, grey, orange,  white, brown and yellow stipes. his right leg warmer is down at his ankle

Tantomile: see corocopat

Tumblebrutus: brown and white. a few black places

Victoria: white, white, white