A Treatise on Domestic Economy
       For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School

By: Catherine Esther Beecher


Calculations made from Bills of Mortality; and Inference from them.  Causes of Infant Mortality. Of the Circulation in Infancy. Warm Dress for Infants; and why. Investigations in France, and Results.
Dangers from the opposite Extreme. Effects of too much Clothing.  Rule of Safety. Featherbeds; why unhealthy in Warm Weather. Best Nightgowns for Young Children. Clothing; how to be proportioned.
Irrational Dress of Women. Use of Flannel next the Skin. Evils of Tight Dresses to Women. False Taste in our Prints of Fashions.  Modes in which Tight Dresses operate to weaken the Constitution.  Rule of Safety as to Looseness of Dress. Example of English Ladies in Appropriateness of Dress
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