A Treatise on Domestic Economy
       For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School

By: Catherine Esther Beecher


Causes which produce Delicacy and Decay of the Female Constitution.  Want of Exercise. Neglect of the Laws of Health. Want of Pure Air.  Objectionable Amusements. Sleeping by Day. Want of Exercise a
greater Cause of these Evils, than all the Others combined.  Importance of understanding the Influence of the Neglect or Abuse of the Muscular System. Nerves of Sensation and of Motion. Both need Exercise. Rules for Exercise. Importance of a Feeling of Interest in taking Exercise. Walks merely for Exercise. Exercise most proper for Young Girls. Exercise, more than any Thing else, imparts fresh Strength and Vitality to all Parts of the Body.  Mistakes of Mothers and Teachers on this Subject. Effects of neglecting to use the Muscles; Effects of excessive Use of them.  Effect of School Confinement and Seats. Extract from the Young Lady's Friend. Lady Montagu. Daughter of a French Nobleman.
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