A Constant Feeling of Dread
Well of All the Nerve
A 'nervous condition' accounted for many of the common complaints, especially of women, throughout the Era and most patent medicines, no matter what their particular benefit, always claimed to cure any nervous trouble associated with the malady.
But whether the origin was physiological or psychological, Dr. Hammond's Nerve and Brain Pills; as well as other similar products; was guaranteed to cure what ailed you.  But first you had to know the symptoms of 'nervous troubles', which were generic enough to include almost anyone:  This will cure you if you feel generally miserable, or suffer with a thousand and one bad feelings, both physical and mental, amoung them low spirits, nervousness, weariness, lefelessness, dizziness, feeling of fullnes, like bloating after meals, or a sense of goneness or emptiness of stomach in morning, flesh soft and lacking firmness; headache, blurring specks floating before the eyes, nervous irritablility alternating with hot flushes, throbbing, gurgling bowels, nipping pains, short breath on exertion, slow circulation of blood, cold feet, oppression in chest and back, pain around the loins, aching of the lower limbs, drowsiness after meals,  nervous wakefulness, languor in the morning, and a constant feeling of dread.
But not to worry:

DR. HAMMOND'S NERVE AND BRAIN PILLS -  will cure you, no matter what the cause may be, or how severe your trouble. These pills have a remakable effect on both old and young.  There cannot be any other medicine as a cure for impotency, spermatorrhoea, night sweats, emissions, varicocele (or swollen veins), weakness of both brain and body arising from excesses and abuses of any kind. They will tone up nervous system, no matter how much worn out, overworked or depressed you may be; the weak and timid young men made strong and bold again, they will give youthful vigor and a new lease on life to the old.

BEWARE OF QUACK DOCTORS - who advertise to scare men into paying money for remedies which have no merit.  Our Nerve and Brain Pills are compounded from a prescription of one of the most noted German scientists, and are the same as have been used in German hospitals for years with marvelous success.

HOW TO CURE YOURSELF - Full and implicit directions are enclosed with every box.  All orders and inquiries concerning these pills will be treated confidentially, and all shipments made in plain sealed packages.

ONLY $ 3.00 FOR SIX BOXES - Enough to cure almost any case, no matter how long standing, old or young, no matter from what cause.  Send us $ 3.00 and we will send you six boxes by return mail, postpaid, in plain sealed package.
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