Putting it in Writing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Art of Correspondence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
With the popularity of E-Mails, cell phones and text messaging, letter writing is becoming a lost art; but throughout the Victorian Era and well beyond; it was the favourite method of keeping in touch with friends and family. You could pour your heart out, catch up on the latest news or relay some news of your own, and often it was the only way of knowing how family and friends outside your community were doing. Light on Dark Corners offers an entire chapter on the subject, as did most etiquette books of the day. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to Write All Kinds of Letters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The art of conveying thought through the medium of written language is so valuable and so necessary, a thorough knowledge of the practice must be desirable to everyone. For merely to write a good letter requires the exercise of much of the education and talent of any writer. A GOOD LETTER - A good letter must be correct in every mechanical detail, finished in style, interesting in substance, and intelligible in construction. Few there are who do not need write them, yet a letter perfect in detail is rarer than any other specimen or composition. PENMANSHIP - Is is a folly to suppose that the faculty for writing a good hand is confined to any particular type of person. There is no one who can write at all, but what can write well, if only the necessary pains are practiced. Practice makes perfect. Secure a few copy books and write an hour each day. You will soon write a good hand. WRITE PLAINLT - Every word of even the most trifling document should be written in such clear characters that it would be impossible to mistake it for another word, or the writer may find himself in the position of the Eastern merchant who, writing to the Ingos for five thousand mangoes, received by the next vessel five hundred monkies, with a promise of more on the next cargo. HASTE - Hurry is no excuse for bad writing, for everyone of sense knows that everything hurried is liable to be ruined. Dispatch may be acquired, but hurry will ruin everything. If, however, you must write slowly to write well, than be careful not to hurry at all, for the few moments you may gain by rapid writing will never compensate you for the disgrace of sending an ill-written letter. NEATNESS - Neatness also is of great importance. A fair white sheet with handsomely written words will be more welcome to any reader than a blotted , bedaubed page covered with erasures and dirt, even if the matter in each be of equal value and interest. Erasures, blots, inter-lineations always spoil the beauty of any letter. BAD SPELLING - When those who from faulty education, or forgetfullness are in doubt about the correct spelling of any word, it is best to keep a dictionary at hand, and refer to it upon such occasions. It is far better to spend a few moments in seeking a doubtful word, than to dispatch an ill-spelled letter, and the search will probably impress the spelling upon the mind for future occasions. CARELESSNESS - Incorrect spelling will expose the most important or interesting letter to the severest sarcasm and ridicule. However perfect in all other respects, no epistle that is badly spelled will be regarded as the work of an educated lady. Carelessness will never be considered, and to be ignorant of spelling is to expose an imperfect education at once. AN EXCELLENT PRACTICE - After writing a letter read it over carefully, correct all the errors and re-write it. If you desire to become a good letter writer, improve your penmanship, improve your language and grammar, re-writing once or twice every letter that you have occasion to write, whether on social or business subjects. PUNCTUATION - A good rule for punctuation is to punctuate where the sense requires it, after writing a letter and reading it over carefully you will see where the punctuation marks are required, you can readily determine where the sense requires it, so that your letter will convey the desired meaning. CORRESPONDENCE - There is no better school or better source for self-imporovement than a pleasant correspondence between friends. It is not at all difficult to secure a good list of correspondents if desired. The young people who take advantage of such opportunities for self-improvement will be much more popular in the community and in society. Letter writing cultivates the habit of study; it cultivates the mind, the heart and self-improvement in general. FOLDING - Another bad practice for those unaccustomed to corresponding is to fold the sheet of writing in such a fantastic manner as to cause the receiver much annoyance in opening it. To the sender it might be considered such an ingenious performance, but to the receiver it is only a source of vexation and annoyance, and may prevent the communication receiving the attention it would otherwise merit. SIMPLE STYLE - The style of letter writing should be simple and unaffected, not raised on stilts and indulging in pedantic displays which are mostly regarded as cloaks of ignorance. Repeated literary quotations, involved sentences, long-sounding words and scraps of Latin, French and other languages are, generally speaking, out of place and should not be indulged in. THE RESULT - A well written letter has opened the way to prosperity for many a one, has led to many a happy marriage and constant friendship; and has secured many a good service in time of need; for it is in some measure a photograph of the writer, and may inspire love or hatred, regard or aversion in the reader, just as a glimpse of a portrait often determine us, in our own estimate of the worth of the person represented. Therefore, one of the roads to fortune runs through the ink bottle, and if we want to attain a certain end in love, friendship or business, we must trace out the route correctly with the pen in our hand. |
How to Write a Love Letter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There is no greater or more profound reality than love. Why that reality should be obscured by mere sentimentalism, with all it's train of absurdities is incomprehensible. There is no nobler possession than the love of another. There is no higher gift from one human being to another than love. The gift and the possession are true sanctifiers of life, and should be worn as precious jewels, without affectation, and without bashfulness. For this reason there is nothing to be ashamed of in a love letter, provided that it is sincere. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FORFEITS - No man need consider that he forfeits dignity if he speaks with his whole heart; no woman need feel that she forfeits her womanly attributes if she responds as her heart bids her respond. "Perfect love casteth out fear" is as true now as when the maxim was given to the world. TELLLING THEIR LOVE - The generality of the sex is, love to be loved; how are they to know the fact that they are loved unless they are told? To write a sensible love letter requires more talent than to solve with your pen, a profound problem in philosophy. Lovers must not then expect much from each other's epistles. CONFIDENTIAL - Ladies and gentemen who correspond with each other should never be guilty of exposing any of the contents of any letters written expressing confidence, attachment or love. The man who confides in a lady and honors her with his confidence should be treated with perfect security and respect, and those who delight in showing their confidential letters to others are unworthy, heartless and unsafe companions. RETURN OF LETTERS - If letters were written under circumstances that no longer exist and all confidential relations are at an end, then all letters should be promptly returned. HOW TO BEGIN A LOVE LETTER - How to begin a love letter has no doubt been the problem of lovers and suitors of all ages and nations. Much depends upon this letter. What can they say and how should they say it, is the greatest question. Perserverance however, will solve the problem and determine results. FORMS OF BEGINNING A LOVE LETTER - Never say "My Dearest Nellie", "My Adored Nellie" or "My Darling Nellie" until Nellie has first called you "My Dear", or has given you to understand that such familiar terms are permissable. As a rule a gentleman will never err if he says "Dear Miss Nellie", and if the letters are cordially reciprocated, the "Miss" may in time be omitted, or other familiar terms used instead. In expressing a widow "Dear Madam" or "My Dear Madam", will be a proper form until sufficient intimacy will justify the use of other terms. RESPECT - A lady must always be treated with respectful delicacy, and a gentleman should never use the term "Dear" or "My Dear" under any circumstances unless he knows it is perfectly acceptable or a long and friendly aquaintance justifies it. HOW TO FINISH A LETTER - A letter will be suggested by the remarks on how to begin one. "Yours Respectfully", "Yours Truly", "Yours Sincerely", "Yours affectionately" "Yours Ever Affectionately", "Yours Most Affectionately" "Ever Your Own", "Ever Yours" and "Yours", are all appropriate, each depending upon the beginning of the letter. It is difficult to see any phrase which could be added to them which would carry more meaning than they contain. People can sign themselves "adorers" and such like, but they do so at the peril of good taste. It is not good that men or women "worship" each other - if they succeed in preserving reciprocal love and esteem they will have cause for great contentment. PERMISSION - No young man should ever write to a young lady any letter, formal or informal, unless he has sought her permission to do so. |
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