Dr. Mom and Her Diagnostic Skills
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Prescriptions For All Diseases and How to Use Them
As the family's diagnostician, a mother had to keep up with all advances in modern medicine as she could be called upon to treat everything from stab wounds to mashed nails.  Though many of her conconctions had been around for centuries, in 1894, Light on Dark Corners devoted a complete chapter to 'Celebrated Prescriptions'.
Celebrated Prescriptions For All Diseases and How to Use Them
VINEGAR FOR HIVES - After trying many remedies in a severe case of hives, Mr. Swain found vinegar lotion gave instant relief, and subsequent trials in other cases have been equally successful.  One part of water to two parts vinegar is the strength most suitable.

THROAT TROUBLE -  A teaspoonful of salt, in a cup of hot water, makes a safe and excellent gargle in most throat troubles.

FOR SWEATING FEET WITH BAD ODOUR -  Wash the feet in warm water with borax, and if this don't cure, use a solution of permanganate (a dark purple salt of permanganic acid) to destroy the fetor; about five grains to each ounce of water.

AMENORRHOEA - (an abnormal suppression of menstruation)  The following is recommended as a reliable emmanagogue in many cases of functional amenorrhoea:
Bichloride of mercury,
Arsenite of sodium,
Sulphate of strychnine,
Carbonate of Potassium,
Sulphate of Iron.

Mix and divide into 60 pills.  One pill after each meal.
SICK HEADACHE - Take a spoonful of finely powdered charcoal in a small glass of warm water to relieve a sick headache.  It absorbs the gasses produced by fermentation of undigested food.

Acetate of zinc, 20 grains.
Acetate of morpia, 5 grains,
Rose water, 4 ounces,
Blood root pulverized, 1 ounce
hog's lard, 3 ounces.
Mix, simmer for 20 minutes, then strain; when cold put a little
in the eyes twice or three times a day.
Pitch burgundy, 2 pounds
Bee's Wax, 1 pound,
Hog's Lard, 1 pound

Mix all together and simmer over a slow fire until the whole are well mixed together; then stir it until cold.  Apply on muslin to the parts affected.
FOR CHAPPED HANDS -  When doing housework, if your hands become chapped or red, mix corn meal and vinegar into a stiff paste and apply to the hand two or three times a day, after washing them in hot water, then let dry without wiping, and rub with glycerine.  At night use cold cream and wear gloves.  Another good hand cream:
Olive Oil, 6 ounces,
Camphor, beat fine, 1/2 ounce.

Mix, dissolve by gentle heat over slow fire and when cold apply to the hand freely
INTOXICATION - A man who is helplessly intoxicated may almost immediately restore the faculties and powers of locomotion by taking half a teaspoonful of chloride of ammonium in a goblet of water.  A wineglassful of strong vinegar will have the same effect and is frequently resorted to by drunken soldiers.

Fluid extract of skullcap, 1 ounce.
Fluid extract valerian (herb with small pink and white flowers) , 1 ounce.
Fluid extract catnip, 1 ounce.

Mix all.  Dose from 15 to 30 drops every two hours, in water; most valuable.

Also compressed tincture of cinchona (quinine from tree bark),  in teaspoonful dose in a little water, half hour before meals.
Tincture of gentian, 1 ounce.
Tincture of Columbia, 1 ounce.
Tincture of Collonsonia, 1 ounce.

Mix all.  Dose, one tablespoonful in one tablespoonful of water before meals.
BLEEDING - Very hot water is a prompt checker of bleeding, besides, if it is clean, as it should be, it aids in sterilizing our wound.

TREATMENT FOR CRAMP - Whenever friction can be conveniently applied, heat will be generated by it, and the muscles again reduced to a natural condition; but if the pains proceed from the contaction of some muscle located internally, burnt brandy is an excellent remedy.  A severe attack which will not yield to this simple treatment may be conquered by administering a small dose of laudunum or ether, best given under medical supervision.

TREATMENT FOR COLIC - Castor oil, given as soon as the symptoms of colic manifest themselves, has frequently afforded relief.  At any rate, the irritating substances may be expelled from the alimentary canal before the pains will subside.  All local remedies will be ineffectual, and consequently the purgative should be given in large doses until a copius vacuation is produced.

TREATMENT FOR HEARTBURN - If soda, taken in small quantities after meals, does not relieve the distress, one may rest assured that the fluid is alkali and requires an acid treatment.  Proceeed, after eating, to squeeze ten drops of lemon-juice into a small quantity of water, and swallow it.  The habit of daily life should be made to conform to the laws of health, or local treatment will prove futile.

BILIOUSNESS - For Biliousness, squeeze the juice of a lime or small lemon into half a glass of cold water, then stir in a little baking soda and drink while it foams.  This receipt will also relieve sick headache if taken at the beginning.

TURPENTINE APPLICATIONS - Mix turpentine and lard in equal parts.  Warmed and rubbed on the chest, it is a safe, reliable and mild counter irritant and revulsant in minor lung complications.

TREATMENT FOR MUMPS - It is very important that the face and neck be kept warm.  Avoid catching cold, and regulate the stomach and bowels; because, when aggrevated, this disease is communicated to other glands, and assumes there a serious form.  Rest and quiet, with a good condition of the general health, will throw off this disease without further inconvenience.

- (A painful inflammation of the finger or toe) All medication, such as poultices, anointing, and the application of lotions, is but useless waster of time.  The surgeon's knife should be used as early as possible, for it will be required sooner or later, and the more promptly it can be applied, the less danger is there from the disease, and the more agony is spared to the unfortunate victim.

TREATMENT FOR STABS - A wound made by thrusting a dagger or other oblong instrument into the flesh, is best treated, if no artery has been severed, by applying lint scraped from a linen cloth, which serves as an obstruction, allowing and assisting, coagulation.  Meanwhile cold water should be applied to the parts adjoining the wound.

- If the injured member be plunged into very hot water the nail will become pliable and adapt itself to the new condition of things, thus alleviating agony to some extent.  A small hole may be bored on the nail with a pointed instrument, so adroitly so as not to cause pain, yet so successfully as to releive pressure on the sensitive tissues.  Free applications of arnica or iodine will have an excellent effect.

TREATMENT FOR FOREIGN BODY IN THE EYE - When any foreign body enters the eye, close it instantly, and keep it still until you have an opportunity to ask the assistance of someone; then have the upper lid folded over a pencil and the exposed surfaces closely searched; if the body be invisible, catch the everted lid by the lashes, and drawing it down over the lower lid, suddenly release it, and it will resume its natural position.  Unsuccessful in this attempt, you may be pretty well assured that the object has become lodged in the tissues, and will require the assistance of a skilled operator to remove it.

CUTS - A drop or two of creosite on a cut will stop its bleeding.

- As a soverign remedy, frequent bathing of the affected parts, in water as hot as can be borne.  If used immediately after exposure, it may prevent the eruption appearing.  If later, it allays the itching, and gradually dries up the swellings, though they are very stubborn after they have once appeared.  But an application every few hours keeps down the intolerable itching, which is the most annoying feature of sumach poisoning.  In addition to this, the ordinary astringent ointments are useful, as is also the sovereign lotion - "lead-water and laudunum".
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