Female Pills for Female Ills
Handling Woman's Complaints
In a male dominated profession, woman's complaints were often viewed as hysteria or were given complicated names to convince the patient that the doctor understood, and ensure that her husband treat her with extra care.

Fortunately (?) for our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, there was a wide assortment of patent medicines on the market to keep her in the pink.
Just listen to what Dr. Worden's Female Pills could do for her:  "A GREAT BLOOD purifier and nerve tonic. Cures all diseases arising from a poor and wasted condition of the blood, such as pale and sallow comlplexion, general weakness of the muscles,loss of appetite. depression of spirits, lack oŁ ambition, anemia, chlorosis or green sick-ness, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath on exertion, coldness oŁ hands and feet, swelling of the feet and throbs, pain In the back, nervous headache, dizziness, loss of memory, feebleness of will, ringing in the ears and early decay.
...leucorrhoea (discharge from the vagina), tardy or irregular periods, oppression of the menses, hysteria, locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, ciiatica, rheumatism, neuralgia. Cures all dIseases dependIng on vitiated humors in the blood, causing scrofula, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, joint disease., hunchback, acquired deformities, decayed bones, chronic rysipelas, consumption of the bowels and lungs.

But not only could of cure you of just about everything in the medical books.  There's more:

WOMEN CAN BE BEAUTIFUL....their complexion, perfect, nervous system normal, circulation perfect. All weakness and disease removed by taking these pure vegetable pills. Thousands of women have been cured by using Dr. Worden's Pills, after all other remedies and physicians had failed.
And to women who joined their husbands in a little nightcap of Vin Vitae

Weak women, easily tired, worn out by ordinary household duties. should take Vin Vitae." the Wine of Life, regularly as a tonic. Women sufferers from the diseases and troubles peculiar to their sex will realize more benefit from the strengthening and tonIc effects of Vin Vitae than from most of the 'female regulators'  extensively advertised. put together. It is a Wonderful tonlc for ailing and Sufferling women. Vin Vitae gives thousands of women health, beauty and freedom from the nagging pains which have made their llves so mlserable. (Arsenic would do the same thing if you could get that nagging pain to take it)
Or why not give Dr. Bain's Famous Blood Pills a try?  "In case of suppression of menses,leucorrhea, or whites, chlorosis, anemia, locomotor ataxia, a quick and permanent cure can be affected; in fact it is the gretest remedy known.
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