Fads, Gadgets and Gizmos
Now Why Didn't I Think of That?
Though patent medicines and home remedies could keep you in the pink, there were literally thousands of creams, lotions and gadgets, that could remedy everything from small breasts to incontinence.

This page will be devoted to those marvels of modern scientist, that kept our grandparents and great-grandparents looking and feeling their best, even if they did squander our inheritance.
The Princess Bust Cream Food and Developer
You need no longer regret that your form is not what you would like it to be.  Ladies everywhere welcome the Princess Bust Developer and Cream Food as the greatest toilet requisite ever offered.

We have letters from many of our lady customers, telling us the good results of the Princess Developer, how their busts enlarged from two to six inches, and expressing their gratitude for the big benefit derived. (Wonder if they got any from grateful husbands)  

Price:  $ 1.50
Of course the 'Food' was no good without the 'Developer', shown on the right, which came in two sizes.  "A New Scientific help to nature combined with the use of the bust cream or food, forms a full firm well developed bust in a few days' use."  (Udderly Ridiculous!
The Rational Body Brace
"You will never know what a Rational Body Brace means to a woman, as regards her comfort, general health and well-being, until you possess one of these genuine new improved Rational Body Braces, the greatest boon to  weak, suffering womankind.

"A woman's general health, strength, grace, erectness and beauty of form are regained and retained by wearing a properly adjusted Rational Body Brace."
Working on the principle that it kept all your female parts in the right place, it was a steal at $ 3.35.
German Menstruation Drawers
These were actually quite clever, since many women believed that sponges and pads that absorbed blood, were detrimental to good health. 

With this device, there was a reservoir to hold the fluid which could be empied and cleaned.  You wore it as you would panties or drawers and it was well concealed in the full skirts of the day.
French Pattern Soft Rubber Urinal Bag
Ever wonder what women did, when trussed and laced in corsets, bustles and crinolines; and nature called?

No woman would leave home without a soft rubber urinal bag, underneath it all. 

She could smile demurely, wave her fan and twirl her parasol; while relieving herself into this handy device.

Price:  $ 1.95
Women's Health Issues Victorian Style
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Patent Medicines Main Page
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