Greetings and welcome to my Moon Desert Archives. Here you will find tales of the continuing
adventures of the Young Ones, better known as the stars of the 80s cartoon, "Dungeons and Dragons."
While our archives are presently under reconstruction after a nasty run-in with Venger and Shadow Demon,
we do hope you enjoy our present offerings.

Be assured that the mages and scribes of the Realm are still working tirelessly to repair old works
and create new one even as we speak.

Also, please note that most of the content on this page is intended for adults. If you are under age
or easily offended, perhaps you should pay a visit to another of the Realm’s fine archives, such as Darkhaven.

Thank you and enjoy your stay.
Lady Ziara

The Moon Desert Archives

Ziara also Recommends:


The Realm

Bubbles’ House of Romance

Darkside of the Realm

You can reach Ziara through the magic of E-mail at or click the thing

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