Current Political Geography: Departments are government-defined administrative regions which often cut across cultural borders. In fact, the French government has defined "Bretagne" as a region which excludes the department of Loire-Atlantique. The decision to omit this historically important area of Brittany (which includes the historical capital of independent Brittany, Nantes) continues to be vigorously protested by Bretons.
In general, three different types of dances can be found in Brittany (per Serge Moëlo's "Guide de la musique bretonne"). First are the oldest dances which are often performed as a three-part suite. These are most commonly dances in lines or circles, and include dances such as the gavotte, an dro, hanter dro, laridé or ridée, or dañs plinn. In some areas of Brittany sub-varieties of these dances have been developed (gavotte d'Aven, gavotte pourlette, etc). The second category of dances is made up of more recent figure dances influenced by British dances of the 17th century or French contredances of the 18th century. Included here are the jabadao, pach-pi and bals. In the third category, one finds couple dances introduced to Brittany in the 19th and 20th century such as the polka, mazurka, and scottisches. Although of more recent introduction, these dances have been adapted by Bretons to become a unique part of the Breton heritage.
Dance descriptions are reproduced here with Yves Moreau's very kind permission.
Style: Light , bouncy and buoyant. Mostly on the balls of the feet with the free foot brought up sharply 4 - 8" off the floor. The line moves constantly RLOD. Metre: 2/4
Dance only takes two measures of music to perform; these are repeated throughout the dance.
No introduction - the leader may start at the beginning of any musical phrase.
1. Step fwd slightly L of ctr on ball of foot (count 1), close ball of R to side of L heel (&), still moving slightly L of ctr, step fwd L on flat of foot to produce a small accent (NOT a stamp), bringing R ft up sharply behind (2), hold (&).
2. Maintaining same body position, moving either straight bkwd or slightly RLOD; step bkwd R (count 1), close ball of L along but slightly fwd of R (&), step bkwd R with slight accent, at same time bring L ft up sharply in front (2), hold (&).
HAND AND ARM WORK - simultaneous with Footwork above
2. Exact reverse trace of path of hands and arms in measure 1, except at the end (&).
Pull hands down and twd body to begin a small loop (1), raise hands up and start them fwd to continue the loop (&), push hands fwd and down with emphasis in a large arc (2), pull hands bkwd twd body so that the arms are parallel to the floor (and to neighbours') and elbows have moved as far back as comfortable - hands will come back almost to the waist (&).
Formation: Short mixed lines, 4 - 6 people. Tight hold; arms held upwards (under shoulder height), elbows bent, very close. Looks somewhat like a Turkish-type hold, but fingers are not interlocked. Metre 2/4.
Count | Step |
Part I | HEEL, TOE and ½ TURN |
1-2 | Facing LOD, touch L heel diagonally L forward (1), touch L toe next to R toe (2) |
3-4 | Keep arms in varsouvienne position and step LRL, pivot on the spot CW individually to face RLOD. M should still be on inside of circle. |
5-8 | Repeat counts 1-4 with opposite footwork and turn CCW. |
9-32 | Repeat counts 1-8 three more times |
1-2 | Facing LOD, step L-R-L (a two-step) moving LOD-CCW around circle, swinging hands and bodies slightly. |
3-4 | Repeat counts 1-2 with opp. footwork |
5-28 | Repeat counts 1-4 six more times (making it 14 two-steps in total) |
29-30 | Step L in place, step R in place |
Formation: M and W in open circle, hands joined at shoulder height in "W" position. Everybody should be close to neighbours, leader at L of line. All face L of centre. End people also have free hand at shoulder level. Metre 2/4.
Formation: Open circle, mixed, strong arm hold (Turkish style)L foot free. Face slightly L of centre. 2/4 Metre.
Measure | Step |
Formation: Mixed lines of M & W, leader at L end, little fingers locked ("pinky hold"), hands down but elbows not locked; bodies close but not bumping - take care that people do NOT separate so that hands are pulled out from sides of body. All face centre.
Style: Light and bouncy - taking care not to rush the feet and arm actions.
Note: It is easier to learn the dance by counting it straight through, than using the counts within the measures. Thus the counts become: 1,2,3,4,5-&-6,7-&-8.
FOOTWORK: There are four measures of footwork, repeated throughout the dance.
Measure | Step |
No Intro | Leader may start at the beginning of any musical phrase. |
1-2 | Step L to L (ct 1); close R to L (ct 2); step L to L (ct 1); close R to L (ct 2) |
3 | Start to rise on balls of both feet by bending knees slightly fwd (ct 1); complete the rise on the balls of both feet (ct &); lower heels lightly to floor (ct 2). |
4 | Swing L ft fwd w/out pointing toes, knee straight - this is a "soft" not vigorous action (ct 1); rise on ball of R ft(ct &). This is one smooth continuous action, not two separate sequential ones. Lower R heel to floor, bringing L ft alongside R without touching floor (ct 2) |
1 | With relatively straight arms, swing arms and hands comfortably fwd - but not up to straight fwd (ct 1); swing hands and arms bkwd to reflex position, just behind sides of body. |
2 | Repeat action of measure 1 exactly. |
3 | Push hands and arms fwd and up in a large arc - with its highest about chin height (ct 1); complete the arc by bringing the hands bkwd and down to end in a tuck between the chest and shoulder height, the elbows move bkwd to produce this motion (ct 2). |
4 | This measure reverses the action of meas 3. Push hands and arms up and fwd in an arc and start down - the emphasis is on the "push" (ct 1); continue the arc swinging hands down and back (ct 2), finishing with arms at full length (slightly bent elbows) and hands at reflex point behind body on count &. |
Note: | The dance pattern is only four meas long and is continuously repeated. The dance moves RLOD during the first two meas, and then in place for the last two measures. The dancers face centre throughout the dance. |
Count | Step |
Footwork | Figure 1 |
1 & 2 & | R L R pause |
3 & 4 & | L R L pause |
Repeat above three more times | |
Hand/arm work | |
Figure 1 | Hands describe a small circle at chest height, RH clockwise, LH counter clockwise, in the first bar, then vice versa in the second bar etc., the circle being made in a vertical plane at right angles to the line of ancers. |
Footwork | Figure 2 |
Count | Step (on the spot) |
1 2 | R L (on the spot) |
3 4 | R Tog |
5 6 | R L |
7 8 | R Tog |
Repeat | Counts 1-8 |
Footwork | Step |
All song styles that are called "traditional" in Brittany are unaccompanied and unison in nature. The vast majority of ballad singing is performed solo. In both the French-language tradition of eastern Brittany and the Breton-language songs of western Brittany, response style singing is very common, especially in songs for dance. In contrast to other areas of western Europe (including Brittany's Celtic cousins) singing for dancing is very quite common and very much appreciated.
It is important to keep in mind that the song repertoire and the use of song varies from one region of Brittany to another - songs for a particular dance will be found, (not unsuprisingly!) in the region where that dance is traditionally found.
There are several words one finds associated with Breton song that might need a brief definition:
"Kan ha Diskan" is a type of responsive singing found in the Breton-speaking areas of central-western Brittany. Most commonly, it is sung by two people, a kaner ("singer" in Breton) and diskaner "counter-singer". The prefix "dis" in this case it has the sense of opposition as in rolling/unrolling, winding/unwinding. The kaner begins and the diskaner repeats each phrase. The unique aspect of this style of responsive singing is found in the fact that the singers take up their singing on the last few syllables of the other's phrases. This pushes the music forward with a definitive emphasis.
This Breton language term has no direct English translation (in French it is roughly translated as "complainte"). It refers to a repertoire of ballads (in the Breton language) in which historical, legendary, or dramatic events are recounted.
This is the Breton term for all Breton language songs other than the gwerz. Included in this category are love songs, drinking songs, counting songs, and other "lighter" songs for dancing.
This page created 30 December 1996, last modified 20 Apr 1999
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