About the Creator

My name is Russ Zera, I am 17 years old, and as of June 26, 1998, I have been a junior at Kutztown High School in Kutztown, PA. I am a member of their distinguished marching band, and participate in both the jazz band, and in the pit orchestra for the production of "The Music Man". Recently, I became the first chair Tubist for the All Berks County Honors band, and the sole tubist for the All Berks County Honors Orchestra. I also just joined one of the best Drum and Bugle corps in DCA (Drum Corps America), the Reading Buccaneers. I am a Contrabass player for them.

Before June 26, I was the sole tubist in the Toledo Youth Orchestra. I was also one of the seven mighty Tuba players in the Bowling Green High School Bobcat Marching Band in Bowling Green, Ohio. On January first, 1997, the Bobcat Marching Band participated in the New Year's Day Parade in London, England! I enjoy such activities as chatting on the net, talking to friends, playing sports such as tennis, football, baseball, and basketball. But most of all, I LOVE playing the


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