For Buttered Rice:
2 cups water
1 cup rice
1/2 stick butter or margarine
Salt, to taste (optional)
Place slices of 1/2 stick butter (or margarine) in bottom of casserole dish and sprinkle half of dried onion soup mix over butter. Place chicken pieces in casserole. On top of chicken, sprinkle remaining onion soup mix and place remaining slices of butter (or margarine) on top. Cover and cook about 1 hour and 15 minutes (until done) at 300 degrees F. (slow oven). When half done, add water (1/2 cup) for gravy, if desired.
Buttered Rice: Pour water in casserole dish, then add rice. Salt to taste; slice butter (or margarine) on top. Cover. Cook in 300 degree oven while you are cooking the Chicken in the Oven.
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October 22, 1997